Our family wrapped up our school year a couple of weeks ago, so even though it won’t be “calendar summer” for another month, we are in full summer mode over here. We’re prepared for a low-key summer for these last few months leading up to our grand finale of Baby #4’s birth in mid-August, but the organizer/checklist-maker in me wants to have a loose plan to give some structure, productivity, and fun to our final season as a family of five.
Many of the items on our summer bucket list are repeatable (and some have already been checked off more than once). Others are one-time events, and while I hope we can get to most of these, I’ve included a few aspirational items as well. Without further ado, here are 28 things the Jernejcic Fam has on the agenda for Summer 2024.

1. Attend family camp with extended family at Forest Home on Memorial Weekend.
2. Spend a week with my parents at their home in Huntington Beach.
3. Participate in a week of VBS (we have one scheduled for Charleston and all three kids may participate in another).
4. Attend a fireworks show on the 4th of July.
5. Learn the books of the Bible in order (all three kids).
6. Learn the names and capitals of all fifty states (Charleston).
7. Help Kali and Sully master writing their names.
8. Participate in the Library Summer Reading Program (and keep up with 30 minutes of Family Quiet Reading Time each day).
9. Complete at least three family read-alouds.
10. Solidify our plans and stock up on supplies for next year’s homeschool (4th grade for Charleston and pre-K for the twins).
11. Attend as many of our library’s Summer Reading Program events (story times, craft days, shows) as we can.
12. Visit at least four different splash pads in our area.
13. Explore at least two new-to-us parks in our area.
14. Visit the zoo and/or the aquarium.
15. Tour Inner Space Cavern.

16. Visit a new-to-us museum.
17. Go on as many scooter and bike rides in our neighborhood as we can (and purchase Charleston an appropriately sized bike).
18. Spend plenty of time at our neighborhood pool, and work on technical swimming skills with the kids.
19. Catch up on playdates and girls’ nights with friends who are out of school for the summer.
20. Make some summer snacks with the kids: lemonade, ice cream, popsicles, no-bake bars, smoothie bowls, etc.
21. Attend a movie in the theater.
22. Attend a concert and/or movie in the park.
23. Have a water fight in the backyard.
24. Check out a craft book from the library and make some crafts.
25. Bake goodies to deliver to the neighbors for “Christmas in July.”
26. Update the kids’ rooms: bunk bed and new dressers for the twins, cleaned out closets, and new bookshelves for Charleston.
27. Update our playroom/school room with new bookshelves and a giant toy purge.
28. Harvest and can summer vegetables from our garden.

In addition to our general family Bucket List for this summer, I have quite a few projects and various to-do’s to complete before baby makes his appearance.
1. Decide on a name for baby!
2. Sort newborn clothes and purchase any needed items.
3. Create a space for baby in our master bedroom (with changing table, bassinet, and dresser); purchase any items that we don’t already have.
4. Install newborn carseat.
5. Reread my birthing materials and books and brush up on labor techniques.
6. Purchase “big sibling” gifts for Charleston, Kali, and Sully.
7. Attend a “big sibling” class at the hospital where we’ll deliver.
8. Pack a hospital bag.
9. Solidify arrangements for the kids for when baby is born.
10. Buy a going-home outfit for baby and props for baby’s first hospital pictures.
11. Complete Pregnancy Journal and purchase/begin a Baby Book.
12. Make plans for a newborn photo shoot (schedule photographer, buy family outfits, etc).
13. Give birth to a healthy baby boy (hopefully via VBAC) in August!

I’m sure your summer looks a little different from ours, but I’d love to know what is on YOUR family’s Summer Bucket List!