Back to (Home)School: Our School Plans for 4th Grade & Pre-K

As I write this, I’m coming off of three days at The Great Homeschool Convention and am feeling so much gratitude for our family’s ability to homeschool, and invigorated for the year ...

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28 Screen-Free Boredom Busters for Kids

My due date is fast approaching, which means that my belly and nesting instincts are growing and my energy is dwindling. Unfortunately for my kids, this means fewer out-of-the-house activities and more ...

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Joyful Discipleship

It’s 7:00 in the morning, and I already feel like throwing in the towel for the day. In the hour that my kids have been awake, we’ve navigated two meltdowns (one involving ...

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Best of the Backlist: Middle Grade Novels That Adults Will Love Too!

It seems that every month features a bookish celebration (or five!), and one celebration I can absolutely get excited about is Middle Grade March. This month-long festival is dedicated to reading Middle ...

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Bonus Book Review: Habits of the Household, by Justin Whitmel Earley

As a mom, my primary goal in raising my children is that they know and love the Lord—not superficially, but with all of their hearts, minds, and souls. I pray that they ...

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Baby #4 Is a . . .

Hi friends! I’m popping in from my week-long blog break with a fun announcement! We got our tests results from my chromosomal bloodwork last week and the very BEST news is that ...

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Surprise! Baby #4 Coming This August!

It was just before Christmas, and I was feeling off. My stomach had been a mess all week, I was more exhausted than I should have been, and—most notably—I’d been hormonal and ...

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Charleston Michael || Nine Years Old!

Dear Charleston, You asked me to cuddle with you at bedtime last night. You also asked the night before last, and the night before that too. In fact, you ask me every ...

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Kalinda and Sullivan Turn FOUR!

Dear Kalinda and Sullivan, Happy, happy, happy birthday you two! This Wednesday you will be FOUR years old, can you even believe it?! Time—especially time related to parenting—is just the strangest thing. ...

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Faithful 09.23—Double Blessings

There is a question that is invariably presented in every Bible study and small group I am part of. You may have been asked to consider this question too, if not in ...

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