Be Here, Now (July Verse of the Month—Psalm 16:11)

Pregnancy does not last forever. It may seem interminable, but no woman in history (that I’m aware of) has ever gotten pregnant and stayed that way indefinitely. The above may seem like ...

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Lately || June 2024

We’re inching closer to Baby Month in the Jernejcic home, and it’s hard for me to focus on much else. Room/sleeping rearrangements are underway (finally!). Baby items are acquired and just need ...

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Watchful (June Verse of the Month—1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about spiritual warfare. It’s not that I don’t believe that spiritual warfare is real, I most definitely do. The Bible is full of references ...

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Good Men, Bad Fathers

The Bible describes King David as a man after God’s own heart: “But God removed Saul and replaced him with David, a man about whom God said, ‘I have found David son ...

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Lately || May 2024

Did you survive the May-cember madness? May really is such a packed month (and our family doesn’t even have end-of-school-year festivities to navigate!), but a fun one too. Our May was packed ...

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What I Learned This Spring About Birthdays, Pregnancy, Expectations, and Small Conveniences

It seems that 2024 is the year of the Tenth Anniversary. Perhaps it’s just the content circles I swim in, but MANY of the podcasters and bloggers I follow are commemorating ten ...

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A Fun Collaboration (and an opportunity to get to know me a little better!)

Friends, I have something REALLY fun to share with you today! Recently, my blogging pal Michelle of The Book Devotions reached out inviting me to be part of a new Substack project ...

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Well-Watered and Right-Side-Up (May Verse—Isaiah 58:11)

Recently, a well-known politician made headline news when she proudly shared a story about ruthlessly shooting and killing her own dog. These days it’s nearly impossible to unite individuals from both sides ...

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Joyful Discipleship

It’s 7:00 in the morning, and I already feel like throwing in the towel for the day. In the hour that my kids have been awake, we’ve navigated two meltdowns (one involving ...

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Lately || April 2024

I don’t mean to sound like a cliché (although Luke always tells me not to be afraid of them because a cliché is a cliché for a reason!), but April positively flew ...

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