28 Screen-Free Boredom Busters for Kids

My due date is fast approaching, which means that my belly and nesting instincts are growing and my energy is dwindling. Unfortunately for my kids, this means fewer out-of-the-house activities and more ...

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28 Things That Are Sadly Underrated

In April, I put a contrarian spin on my 28 Things list as I shared an assortment of things I believe are totally overrated—items others seem to love that simply aren’t for ...

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28 Things On Our Family’s Summer Bucket List

Our family wrapped up our school year a couple of weeks ago, so even though it won’t be “calendar summer” for another month, we are in full summer mode over here. We’re ...

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28 Things That Are Totally Overrated

Warning: unpopular opinions ahead! Specifically, my own contrarian takes on some things others seem to LOVE that (in my humble opinion) are entirely overrated. We have a rule in our family that ...

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28 Fun Facts from the Year 1984 (That’s 40 Years Ago!)

I celebrated forty years of life on March 2, and though I’m not big on birthday celebrations, I am big on trivia. So in honor of my milestone birthday, this 28 Things ...

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28 Fun, Fascinating, and Festive Christmas Facts

Question: What happens when you combine my favorite time of year with my thirst for random knowledge? Answer: A list of 28 totally random but fascinating holiday trivia! I had so much ...

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28 Discussion Questions for Your Holiday Gatherings

Thanksgiving week is upon us, ushering in several weeks of seasonal festivities, gatherings, and vibrant (or awkward) time with loved ones. Conversation in these settings can be natural and filled with joy, ...

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Never Have I Ever Done These 28 Things

We all love talking about the things we have done; sometimes it can be just as fun to talk about the things we have not done. Such is the premise of the ...

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28 Things You’ll Want to List Yourself

I am going to let you in on a little secret (that probably isn’t much of a secret for the astute readers among you): these 28-Things posts are some of my favorite ...

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28 Perks of Life in 2023

I have dedicated a lot of brain space (and blogging words) to grieving the ways our world has changed in my lifetime. I hate the moral decline we are witnessing, the elevated ...

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