I am going to let you in on a little secret (that probably isn’t much of a secret for the astute readers among you): these 28-Things posts are some of my favorite (if not my VERY favorite) blog posts to write each month. There is just something about composing a good list that makes everything feel right in the world.
But if I am being really honest, coming up with ideas for these lists is the part I like best. In fact, it is difficult to articulate just how much joy and satisfaction the sheer act of generating ideas can bring me.
Which leads me to today’s 28—a list of lists! This listicle began as a collection of potential prompts for these monthly posts, but the prompts just kept piling up. When I couldn’t settle on just one, I decided that maybe I should go ahead and share them all! Not 28 of my own lists, but 28 ideas for lists you could make (and that I likely already have).
These list ideas are yours for the taking. Use them as journal prompts, incorporate them into your dinnertime conversations, mull over them while stuck in traffic or out on a walk (or my personal favorite, while trying to fall asleep at night)—the options are endless. Whenever you are feeling the need to fill some time, keep your brain happily occupied, or bring a semblance of order to life’s chaos, do what I do and make a list!

1. Ways you would spend your money if you won the lottery.
2. Questions you will ask God when you get to Heaven.
3. Things you would like to know about your loved ones (or your ancestors).
4. Jokes and stories that make you laugh out loud.
5. Inspirational images, people, and quotes.
6. Things you wish you had known, done, or purchased sooner.
7. Advice you would pass on to your children.
8. Virtues, qualities, skills, or traits you admire in others.
9. People on your prayer list.
10. Features you would definitely include in your dream home.
11. Bucket list of things to do, see, and learn or, alternatively, an anti-Bucket List of things others may aspire to do that hold no appeal for you.
12. Ideas for inventions you wish existed.
13. Favorite songs / movies / books / shows / foods /recipes / games / purchases /etc. that you could recommend to others.
14. Items you wish you had held on to (and items you should probably get rid of).

15. A Ta-Da List of accomplishments you’re proud of.
16. Life hacks you utilize or would like to try.
17. People you think of often that are no longer part of your life, and what you would discuss at a reunion.
18. Narrow escapes—relationships that didn’t work out, accidents that you avoided, mistakes that proved to be blessings, etc.
19. Games and activities to occupy a rainy day.
20. Quirky facts about you that most people don’t know.
21. Times you have seen God show up (in your life and the lives others).
22. Items you would place in a time capsule (or a personal “life capsule”).
23. The best AND worst parts about a formative period in your life.
24. People, places, ideas, or terms to research.
25. Careers you would love to have (or careers you have considered at some point during your life).
26. Topics you could write a book about or present in an impromptu TED Talk.
27. Scents, flavors, sounds, or other sensations that take you back to a very specific time.
28. Things you know, without a doubt, to be true.

I have a feeling I will be fleshing out some of these lists in future 28 Lists posts. Any you are interested in seeing me share? Which are you most eager to tackle yourself?