My Precious Nico-Nico, I’m writing this to you the way I do most of my writing these days: on a laptop propped at the edge of the nursing pillow that holds you ...
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My Precious Nico-Nico, I’m writing this to you the way I do most of my writing these days: on a laptop propped at the edge of the nursing pillow that holds you ...
Happy Month-Day, Nico-Nico, and congratulations to you (to us!) for surviving the fourth trimester. The Fussy Monster conspired against us, but we made it to the other side and are all the ...
There are some parents for whom choosing a baby name is an afterthought, or even a dreaded but necessary task. I am not one of those parents! My love for baby names ...
My Dearest Nickel-Boy, We’ve made it, Nico, two months together already! And what a doozy of a month it’s been. I’m writing this to you from the comfort of a local coffee ...
Hello, my faithful readers! I’m still on a blogging hiatus and am unsure when I will be returning to a regular posting schedule. Adjusting to our new rhythms as a family of ...
Hello friends! I am so thrilled to pop in from my maternity break today to share that the reason for my break—our precious Nickelson Ryan (“Nico”)—is here! He arrived on the afternoon ...
December is always a (ribbon-fested, sugar-loaded) whirlwind, and this year—with Thanksgiving coming closer to Christmas—it felt especially quick. Our family had a full and joyful season, and I’m excited to be recapping ...
What a year this month has been! November isn’t over just yet, but with election season (blessedly) in the rear view mirror and Thanksgiving a lingering belly ache, I’m more than ready ...
For as long as I can remember, October has been my favorite month of the year. This October was a little different—not necessarily bad different, just different from my usual experience of ...
Every one of us has moments that split our lives into a Before and an After. The births of each of my children have been personal such moments, and welcoming Nickelson into ...