Our Rock (Sermon on the Mount, Part 12)

I grew up singing “The Wise Man Built Himself Upon a Rock” in Sunday School. At two and three and four years old, I spent Sunday mornings gathered with a handful of ...

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Look at the Fruit (Sermon on the Mount, Part 11)

Over the past couple of years, my truth filter has gotten much less porous. In this age of fake news and doctored images and infamously unreliable sources, the softened edges of my ...

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Judge Not (Sermon on the Mount, Part 10)

Living in the twenty-first century, with all of our new-fangled technology and ideologies (and all their accompanying problems), it’s tempting to fall into the mindset that EVERYTHING is new, that the issues ...

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Don’t Worry (Sermon on the Mount, Part 9)

As I write this, my house is empty (thank you Luke!), my to-do list has been appropriately managed, and my writing space is in order. My feet are enveloped in my coziest ...

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Where Your Treasure Is (Sermon on the Mount, Part 8)

We were driving home from a week in California this past Wednesday, cruising down a long stretch of highway through the Arizona desert, big rigs surrounding us on three sides. We’d been ...

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And When You Pray (Sermon on the Mount, Part 7)

We had an awkward family moment recently, one of those moments that not only exposed a “growth opportunity” for my child but also a glaring shortcoming of my own. Allow me to ...

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Impossible Love (Sermon on the Mount, Part Six)

The smile on my friend’s face as she sat across from me, sipping her Diet Coke, belied the pain of the story she had just shared. It was a story that could ...

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Clearing Things Up (Sermon on the Mount, Part Five)

My peers and I are in a season of heavy, explicit instruction with our children. Sometimes this instruction can go hilariously wrong, as was the case recently with a friend of mine ...

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A New Bar (Sermon on the Mount, Part Four)

Do you remember in school when a test or project would get graded on a curve? Instead of assigning each student the grade they earned, the “perfect” score would be adjusted from ...

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A Word About Words (Sermon on the Mount, Part Three)

We are all familiar with the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” And at some point in each of our lives, we come to ...

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