There is a lot that goes into the spiritual education of our children, but a huge component is, of course, exposing them to Scripture. I’m a big believer in the importance of our kids hearing God’s full and complete Word, and I regularly read aloud from my “adult” Bible with the kids present. But there is also so much value in reading to them from Bibles written at their own level, introducing them to the stories and truths of the Bible in words they can understand.
For the last couple of years, Charleston and I have incorporated Bible reading into our nightly story time, reading one story from a Children’s Bible each night. With this consistent reading we have now read through a number of different Children’s Bibles, and I thought it would be fun to feature some of them here. If you are looking for an age-appropriate Bible to read with your young kids, we have some great recommendations for you.

Little Bible Heroes Storybook ~ This is the least traditional “Bible” on this list. Its focus is not so much on God but on the heroes of the Bible, so this definitely isn’t a stand-alone children’s Bible, but it’s a great way to introduce young ones to some significant individuals from both the Old and New Testaments, and the padded cover and sturdier pages make it ideal for the toddler/early preschooler set. Each story ends with a key verse, two comprehension or application questions, and a key takeaway to remember. Charleston’s favorite feature of this book is the QR code included with each of the sixteen stories that links to a corresponding animated video. (Intended reading age: 2-5 years.)
The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes ~ The version of this Bible that we own was mine from childhood and is actually the original version, first published in 1956 (which has very dated illustrations that Charleston and I happened to love.) The updated version I’ve linked to appears to have illustrations that may be better appreciated by today’s kids, but the content is the same: nearly 200 stories, from Genesis through the epistles, that bring the Bible to life through both words and pictures in a way that even the youngest readers will understand. I appreciate the simple questions included with each story as well as the Scripture reference that each story is drawn from. Of all the Bibles here, I think this one is most fitting for a range of ages, with pictures that littles will understand and content that is more fitting for older kids as well. (Intended reading age: 4-7 years.)
The Early Reader’s Bible ~ This is the Bible Charleston and I are currently reading. It is designed for early readers to be able to read for themselves (Charleston is able to read much of these stories on his own), with stories written using 250 basic words used in most early reader books and fewer than five new words introduced in each story. Each of the 64 Bible stories ends with a list of comprehension and application questions, as well as a “Something To Do” idea for how the Biblical principle taught in each story may be applied. With its emphasis on reading skills and the core value taught within each story, this Bible makes a great fit for homeschooling families looking to incorporate Bible reading into their curriculum. (Intended reading age: 4-8 years.)
My First Bible Stories ~ This Bible wins for most beautiful illustrations! It is less comprehensive than most of the other Bibles on this list, featuring just 21 stories (14 Old Testament and 7 New Testament), but the stories are long and detailed while still written in age-appropriate language. Be aware that the authors have taken some liberties with the material, incorporating extraBiblical dialogue and observations that add interest and color to familiar stories, making for a novel-like reading experience. (Intended reading age: 4-7 years.)
The Jesus Storybook Bible ~ I’ve saved my favorite for last, and if you have just one children’s Bible in your home, it should be this one! Through 21 Old Testament and 23 New Testament stories, Sally Lloyd-Jones tells the Big Picture story woven through every book of the Bible that points to Jesus as the center of God’s great story of salvation. Vibrant illustrations enhance lyrical storytelling that speaks to the hearts of children and adults alike. (Intended reading age: 4-11 years.)

Do you and your children have a favorite Bible that you would recommend? I would be honored if you would share your suggestions with me.