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In fitting with my March book theme, this month’s links are all bookish in nature. It turns out we readers enjoy writing about our habit (and reading what others have written about it) nearly as much as we love reading itself. Enjoy!

13 General Book Club Questions For Any Kind Of Discussion, by Sadie L. Trombetta

“[Book Clubs] are like your high school English class, only this time, you read and actually liked the book your talking about, which makes the whole thing much more fun.”

Reading Comprehension Strategies: How to Retain More of Everything You Read, by James Clear

“I try to consider how the book I’m reading connects with all of the ideas that are already knocking around inside my head. Whenever possible, I try to integrate the lessons I’m learning with previous ideas.”

A Harvard linguist reveals the most misused words in English, by Jessica Stillman

“There is no definitive answer to whether you’re using a word ‘correctly.’ It’s all a matter of taste and context. But there are opinions. And some count more than others.”

Kendra Note: Number 19 ALWAYS trips me up!

Long Overdue: Why public libraries are finally eliminating the late-return fine, by Ruth Graham

“Late fines and replacement fees can have a huge cost to the communities libraries are meant to serve. Low-income children are dramatically less likely to have access to books at home or to spend time reading with their parents.”

16 Fiction Book Characters’ Myers-Briggs Personality Types, from Huffington Post

“Interestingly, many protagonists and authors are INFPs due to the type’s creative, introspective nature, so don’t take offense if you’re matched up with a villain or a sidekick.”

In the time you spend on social media each year, you could read 200 books, by Charles Chu

“Here’s the simple truth behind reading a lot of books: It’s not that hard. We have all the time we need. The scary part—the part we all ignore—is that we are too addicted, too weak, and too distracted to do what we all know is important…”

Coloring With Audiobooks, by James Wallace Harris

“Reading with our ears requires turning off the thinking mind. That’s why walking is a great time to listen to books. It’s meditative. It turns out coloring is also meditative.”

There’s a Little Golden Book for That, from Brightly

“This year, Little Golden Books celebrates its 75th anniversary. Over the decades, Little Golden Books have covered everything from Disney to Droids to Donny and Marie. For pop culture happenings, everyday events, and special moments, you can quite rightly say, There’s a Little Golden Book for that.”

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