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I’ve slacked off a bit on my goals for the year (something I’ll share more on in the coming weeks), but one goal I’m happy to have stuck with is my commitment to memorizing a new verse each month. I recently read that your thoughts are the average of the five things you think about the most. If this is true, it’s probably a good thing to have my monthly verse occupying one of those five spots!

Colossians 23-24

I’ve been reading Emily Freeman’s latest book, Simply Tuesday (available now for pre-order). In it, Emily talks about finding meaning and purpose in life’s smallest moments. This stage of my life is certainly filled with small moments, but these verses from Colossians remind me that even mundane tasks like folding laundry and changing diapers can become simple demonstrations of worship. My work need not be lofty or glamorous in order to qualify as acts of service, and these tedious, ordinary tasks are worthy of a joyful attitude and a wholehearted commitment to excellence. I am thankful to be serving a God who accepts my tiniest offerings and who will come alongside me in all tasks, big and small.

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