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Time for a Friday check-in: how are you doing? If your answer is not well, that’s understandable. These are strange and unprecedented times that have me feeling like I’m living in some sort of strange alternate reality—a reality that is starting to feel more and more normal. And that sense of normalcy, in itself, is somewhat disconcerting. . . because this life of fear and uncertainty and social isolation is anything BUT normal.

It’s rare for me to share links posts for three weeks in a row, but I’ve been finding solace in reading content that is helping me make sense of our current situation. I hope that you, too, find these beneficial as you navigate life in the time of Coronavirus.

Control is an Illusion, by John Freeman

“During this crazy, Coronavirus time I’m relearning how to walk in the reality that Christ holds my life. His hands are not sweaty, shaky or full. They faithfully stretch to far places and touch hiding places of my heart.”

Why Mundane Moments Truly Matter, by Simran Sethi

“Introspective writing can help reduce blood pressure, increase immune function and mitigate impacts of stress, depression and diseases ranging from to irritable bowel syndrome and breast cancer to asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. But its most enduring value lies in self-discovery: We unearth ourselves through the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves.”

How to Shop Safely to Protect Yourself from Germs, by Natalie for Super Healthy Kids

“Bring a comprehensive list so you can shop efficiently and limit time ‘wandering’ in the aisles. Keep your phone stowed while shopping. Avoid answering it, which involves bringing your phone up to your face.”

How to Keep Your Kids Busy // Essentials for All Ages, by Erin Schrader

“With the Coronavirus situation keeping most of us home, we understand that many of you are also keeping your kids home. Which means trying to fit 40 hours of work in, feed the whole household, become the new homeschool teacher, and Lysol everything in sight without losing your sanity. You deserve a tall glass of something. While we can’t help you with that, Living in Yellow is still here to help. We’ve put together ideas for keeping your kids busy, at all different age ranges.”

Tips for Navigating Homeschooling Amidst the COVID-19 Outbreak, by Jessica Rockowitz

“Everyone is going crazy printing color coded schedules or drawing time blocked tasks on white boards right now. I get it, because I was there, too. I initially felt the intense need to replicate a classroom environment at home, but not only is that unrealistic, it’s also unnecessary. After all, part of the benefits of learning from home are the flexibility and small ‘class’ size. Base your rhythm off of your family’s unique needs and internal clocks.  What would it look like if you just let their natural rhythm unfold and ditch the schedule until they are ready to stop?”

Mom’s Guide to Celebrating While Still Social Distancing, by Jenn Remmel

“Staying focused on day to day and positive are my goals for these uncertain times. Being the social planner for my circle of friends is one of my very favorite things to do. With no plans, parties or gatherings in the near future, we need to get creative. You can still celebrate even during social distancing times! It may not be the same, it may look a little different but making people still feel special and celebrated is important during these next few weeks. “

Looking Out My Window, by Sarah Williams

“Sometimes a looming fear and anxiety will start to set in if you’re not careful to take its hand and lead it to rest. Only a few weeks ago, I was preoccupied thinking about what to do on summer break or what professional opportunities I wanted to pursue. Now, in a sudden and complete redo of a typical day, I wonder, what will i do in this 3 bedroom apartment? How do I live well in these four walls? What can I do to make my body flow, to make my mind stronger, or my heart lighter? How can I give in spirit to my loved ones who are near but not near enough? To those that were far and now seem to be even farther? How do I be kind and give to those that are doing a lot worse?”

Recovering From the “Busy Trap”: It’s Time To Do All the Things We Usually Put Off, by Janina Roberts

“The complaints about being busy and tired were endless and they were because we were over-scheduled as a family leaving little time or energy for anything else. However, this sudden halt in our busy lives has made way for more idle time. As Tom Kreider put it ‘The space and quiet that idleness provides is a necessary condition for standing back from life and seeing it whole, for making unexpected connections…'”

The Uncomfortable Speed of Slowing Down, by Kendra Adachi

“As we sit in this uncomfortable unknown space, as we watch the fog of fear settle into the corners of everything, as we notice the holes in our cultural structure and who falls through the cracks, we know that things will change. They need to, and there’s great hope in that. We will not leave things as they once were; this slowing offers that gift.”

Coping with COVID-19: How to Volunteer and Support Others During This Difficult Time, by Gretchen Rubin

“When we take action to support others, we’re helping them get through a tough time—and we’re also helping ourselves get through a tough times. It’s one of my aphorisms: One of the best ways to make ourselves happy is to make other people happy. To be happy, we need to get support, and just as important, to give support. This is one of the nicest aspects of human nature.In these difficult times, we can reach out with love—even if we’re doing it from six feet away.“

If you’ve read anything uplifting, insightful, or helpful lately, please share it with us by dropping a link in the Comments!

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