Today’s links include a thoughtful Lenten reflection, some encouragement for moms, a compelling essay about book reviews and one about decision making, and a heartfelt discussion of postpartum depression that I fully related to. I’ve also included a link to my latest for Austin Moms Blog, about one of my very favorite subjects. Enjoy!

One Way to Walk More Freely, by Carolyn Watts
“Lent is walking with the one I most love towards his death, listening for his last words, every word extra precious. It’s dying a little myself along the way. Lent is a time of humility and vulnerability, not for their own sake, but for the sake of a deepening love and closeness in this relationship at the center of my life.”
Mom’s Guide to Effortless Journaling, by Yours Truly for Austin Moms Blog
“My journals provided me with a safe space to document my treasured memories and a private spot to process through the most difficult emotions. Journaling was a powerful tool for becoming happier, healthier, and more comfortable in my own skin.”

Five Things to Remember When Your Kid Behaves Badly, by Leslie Kvasnicka
“Bad behavior is NORMAL. It’s inevitable that every single child will have moments of rebellion and disobedience during the first 18 years of their lives…oh and beyond. Normalcy does NOT equal acceptability, but it’s important to remember that our kids will naturally act out.”
Why Rating Books Is Not As Simple As You Think, by The Ardent Biblio
“Books are products of people, of brilliant and beautiful minds, of art and experience and time—so much time. We instantly divide them into subcategories via genres, age appropriateness, and so on. Yet, these books are genuine extensions of people and their collective experience, lives, and most inner selves.”

My Experience With Postpartum Depression, by Jean Wang
“It’s normal for many women to experience postpartum blues in the immediate weeks after giving birth, due to the crash in hormones compounded with sleep exhaustion. But if it extends beyond a few weeks or you have more severe symptoms, it could be postpartum depression. For me, the best way I can describe it is it felt like wading through a fog of guilt, uselessness, and anxiety. It was a fog that I had no idea I was in until I was out of it, but looking back with a clear mind, it seems obvious.”
Why I Can’t Get that College Admissions Scandal Off My Mind, by Emily P. Freeman
“This is why the next right thing posture is so important. It can serve as a compass for us in the midst of a world tempting us to believe a false story about success, happiness, and about what the good life actually is. It can serve as an accessible fixed point in a culture that keeps moving the finish line. Doing the next right thing is life-giving advice, sometimes even life-saving advice.”

Have you read or written anything particularly share-worthy lately? I’d love it if you dropped a link in the comments!