This summer is proving to be one of the strangest in recent memory: the longing for carefree summer days is present, yet a pandemic is keeping many of us physically grounded, and a difficult cultural climate has kept our hearts somber. Today’s links speak to both sides of that spectrum, with a little heaviness but some “normalcy” as well.

Kid’s Travel Snacks (and Sanity-Savers), by Ashley @ veggiesandvirtue
“Since I had 22 hours in the backseat though with my three children (ages 21 months, 4, and 6 years), I got a good look at what worked, what didn’t, and what I would like to know as a parent should I ever decide to make a long road trip like this again with kids.”
The Answers to 10 Common Questions About Racism, by Jehava Brown
“Racism and Prejudice aren’t the same thing. Racism is a system in which a racial majority is able to enforce its power and privilege over another race through political, economic and institutional means. The important difference is that racism is prejudice + power. The two work together to create the system of inequality.”
Aren’t We Meant for More Than Social Media?, by Tsh Oxenereider
“Social media has done a world of good — think global movements, relationships, learning from other people. But in its very infrastructure, it just doesn’t seem …right. As things should be.”

Psalms of Justice, by W. David O. Taylor
“For the psalmists, such a world is all too familiar, and they pray repeatedly for justice because they understand that a world full of broken humans and dark forces generates injustice everywhere and always. They also pray repeatedly for a just Judge to make things right.”
21 Surprising Parenting Tips, by Joanna Goddard
“Being there is a huge part of parenting. Not just being physically present, but mindfully and emotionally present, too. When you come home from work, if at all possible, leave your phone in your bag and just be present for your kid for the first chunk of time (10 minutes? an hour? it’s up to you). Even if you’re stressed from your day and cranky about something, it’s so important to put it aside for some quality time with your kids, before you launch into dinner or bedtime or whatever homework you need to do.”
How to Have a Gentle Answer, by Scott Sauls
“In the end, those who injure become as miserable as those whom they injure. Those who vandalize someone else’s body, spirit, or good name also vandalize themselves. Perhaps for this reason, the Bible is careful to warn that all anger, including the constructive righteous kind, should be arrived at slowly and not from a reactive hair trigger.”

If you’ve read or written anything link-worthy lately, please feel free to share with us in the comments!