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There are some beautiful ideas and words within the links I am sharing today. I hope you will find something new to reflect on or consider.

15 years of blogging (and 3 reasons I keep going), by Austin Kleon

“Every time I start a new post, I never know for sure where it’s going to go. This is what writing and making art is all about: not having something to say, but finding out what you have to say. It’s thinking on the page or the screen or in whatever materials you manipulate. Blogging has taught me to embrace this kind of not-knowing in my other art and my writing.”

People Are Great. (Except When We’re Not), by Katherine Willis Pershey

“I loved the earnest questions we were encouraged to ponder: What is human nature, and in light of that, how can we live faithfully and well? There are countless answers, many of which name the fundamental brokenness of humanity, and point to our need for grace and forgiveness.”

Dirty Laundry, by Aly Prades

“A dirty clothes hamper is a great spot to hide alcohol, in case you’re wondering. Dirty underwear deters curious eyes. An empty suitcase is a close runner up, but more difficult to get into if you’d like to keep your habit quiet, like I did.”

What Does Boredom Do to Us—And for Us?, by Margaret Talbot

“When people wish that we could all be bored more often, or rue that kids are too scheduled and entertained to be, what they may really mean is that they wish we all had more free time, ideally untethered to electronic devices, to allow our minds to romp and ramble or settle into reverie—and that sort of daydreaming isn’t boring at all.”

“Girl, Watch Your Husband”, by Haley Hengst and Hillary Adams

“Bit of advice for ya…something you should just know, as you stand up there on that altar…someone better WILL come along. Probably more than one, and definitely more than once. Girl, WATCH Your Husband. (and Dude…Watch Your Wife).”

McDonald’s Or a Picnic, by Cara Eileen

“Since I’ve been having McDonald’s times with God lately rather than picnics, my next step will be thinking about how to make our interaction more like a picnic. Some time with him is happening every day, and there is value to that. However, it’s just not the same experience as a slow, unhurried picnic.”

How to Think Like a Homeschooler (Even When You’re Not One), by Tsh Oxenreider

“Kids don’t need to be in a class lesson or filling out a workbook to be in learning mode. They learn when they play in the backyard, look at rocks, wiggle their feet in the air when they lie on their bed, spread butter on their bread, and resolve a dispute with a sibling. They can’t not learn.”

Did ay of these links stand out to you today? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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