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Most of us are ostensibly less busy these days, yet the world still feels loud and frenzied. I hope today’s links will bring some much-needed clarity, quiet, and rest to your week.

Why Can’t I Focus???, by Amy Simon

“I feel like my brain is unhinged, shooting off in every direction, forgetting things all the time and so incredibly easily distracted that it’s hard to settle into anything. It leaves me feeling bored because it seems like there’s nothing productive to do. There is, but it takes much more effort to make my brain settle into doing it.”

5 Awesome Affirmations for Troubled Times, by Meg Tietz

“Difficult times necessarily draw us inward. When our viewpoint narrows to focus on our own suffering and pain, we can lose compassion for others. And yet our experience of troubled seasons of life can be radically changed when we look for and recognize the light and goodness in others. “

How to not be a “coronavirus jerk” during the pandemic, by Jenny Dombroski

“Maybe, I’ve been so focused on all the negativity that I closed myself off to simple beauty. So, I’m trying that next. To be more observant as I walk down this path. Who knows what I might see? Or, the effect on my outlook it might have?”

The Opposite of Meditation Is…Recess. And I Need More Recess., by Gretchen Rubin

“I didn’t want to empty or quiet my mind; I wanted to flood my mind with sensations. I wanted to go on a quest though the world, to explore. I wanted new impressions to pour in, in ways that I couldn’t predict, to stir up the unexpected memories, remote associations, surprising connections, and overlooked facts. I wanted to reflect on the present and the future; I wanted to get back inside my body by getting outside my head. I wanted to feel free, to play.”

Mall vs Museum, by Tsh Oxenreider

“To tell stories well, I have to swim in the waters of my work, and coming up to the surface to stay relevant online feels like rocks puncturing the river’s flow. I spend more time navigating the current to make sure I don’t scrape my body on the sharp rocks, and less on following the river to the delta where it flows into the sea.”

It is okay for my kids to be left out., by Julie May

“All these harder emotions are just the beautiful bits of baggage that comes with loving someone. Missteps pave the way for growth and we all know that the real work of growing takes one part sunshine but a good deal of rain, too.”

The Pause, by Maeve Gerboth

“We weren’t made to perform, hustle, and operate as machines. We were made to feel and weep and get tired. We were designed to hold space for beauty and art and death. We don’t have to say the right words all the time. The quiet between us says enough. We were made for the pause.”

As always, if you have read or written anything share-worthy recently, please feel free to drop a link in the Comments!

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