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Hello! How was your Easter? Ours was great! We attended and served at church on Saturday, and Sunday was filled with egg hunting and family time. We even got to introduce Arlo to his puppy cousins! This week, it’s been back to business as usual: errands and cleaning and laundry and attempting to find a new normal now that we are puppy parents. (Turns out, there’s no such thing as normal with a puppy!)

I’m popping in a little early from my blogging spring break to share some great links with you! I’ve been coming across so much sharable content lately, I’m thinking that moving forward, I might be making these Links posts a biweekly feature rather than saving them all up for a once-per-month post. No promises, but it seems like that might be a good way to continue sharing everything I’m excited about, without inundating you with too many links at once.

This batch of links includes lots of encouragement, and a few actionable tips too! I’d love to know which of these links resonates with you, and what you thought! 

What Brings You Life? // Dr. David G. Benner

“One of the things I am always interested to discover when I talk with people about their journey is their most important life practice. . . . Some might think of this as a spiritual practice, and some might even call it a spiritual discipline. But since God is the source and ground of all life, choosing God is choosing life, just as choosing life is always choosing God.”

The surprisingly effective question I’m asking myself every day // Anne Bogel

“Nothing can change if I’m ignoring or denying things that might scare me. Noticing and naming my own tendencies towards self-destructiveness is the first step in pulling out of them. And I’m seeing how writing these things down is helping me change them.”

The Ultimate Guide to Encourage Healthy Eating // Super Healthy Kids

“Family meals are critically important to a child’s sense of security and developing a healthy relationship with food. Children need to feel in control of their eating. When the environment is supportive and friendly, and children have a sense of freedom and reassurance, they will likely eat better and more varieties of food.”

A Soul Minimalist’s Guide to Relationships // Emily P. Freeman

“Maybe relief from selfishness won’t be found in denying ourselves the way we tend to think of it, but to finally become ourselves the way we were intended to be. Not the false, try-hard, self-referential version, but the true, free self who is created in the image of God.”

When Self-Care Means Escape // Jennifer Kindhouse

“I want my kids to see me make good choices – to model healthy ways of handling daily stress. I’m trying to be careful about saying things like, ‘Mommy needs to GET AWAY’ or ‘Mommy needs a glass of wine’… and I’m hoping to do that by making those statements simply untrue. Need and choice are two different things.”

Maybe I’m Failing, But I’m Not a Failure // Jeanette Johnson

“Moral of the story: you’re exactly where you need to be. Don’t fight the process. There’s so much good stuff in the valley. So much to learn, so much to digest, so much that you need to take with you into the future. The next mountain top will come into view soon enough.”

When God Is Slow // Rebecca K. Reynolds 

“But spiritual growth is rarely rushed. For this work of creation, he employs the tool of time. We can’t understand it. We fight against it. We beg him to hurry. Yet by his slow and intentional hand, we are transformed.”

Five Tips for the Distracted Reader // Osheta Moore 

“See, my friends. Distractions. Everywhere. Especially when I’m reading. And yet there’s something magical about the page. It transforms our minds and opens our hearts, so I’ve come up with these five hacks to take control of my brain that feels like I’m herding squirrels every time I sit in down with a book in my lap.”

The Ten Commandments of Furniture Placement // Eleanor Büsing

“The most important factor when arranging any room is to understand, and have the layout reflect, how the space will be used. . . . Think about what you’d like to do in the space, what needs to be within arm’s reach, and how much room you’ll need.”

Did you write or read anything this month that you think I or our audience would enjoy? Please leave a link in the Comments, we’d love to check it out! 

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