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Hello friends! It feels like forever since my last post. Technically, it’s only been two weeks since I shared the twins’ birth story, but when you haven’t slept in weeks and the days and nights are a blur of baby feedings and diaper changes, two weeks can seem like an eternity!

Keeping up with Kali and Sully’s needs has been an all-consuming task lately, and as I attempt to survive—and also truly savor—these early days with the twins, while also carving out individual time with Charleston, blogging has not been a priority. I do have a few scattered posts planned for the next few weeks, but in the meantime I thought I would share the links to my most recent posts for Austin Moms.

15 Independent Screen-Free Activities to Help Your Child Unwind

“By now we are all aware of the research exposing the dangers of excess screen time, particularly for little ones. But as families become increasingly dependent upon our devices, it’s hard to implement boundaries . . . especially when screens have become our go-to method for keeping our kids quiet and entertained, filling the time previously occupied by the afternoon nap, or helping them wind down at the end of a long day. For those who are looking for independent, screen-free alternatives to help your child unwind, here are some fun, easy, and relatively mess-free activities for your family to try.”

In Praise of Stepping Away From Extra Activities

“I know that our peaceful little world will look very different once Baby Brother and Sister arrive, and that our day-to-day lives will shift again next year when we emerge from our hibernation and begin to re-enroll in a few activities. But even as our schedule starts to fill up, I hope to keep calm and simple as the overarching themes of our daily rhythms. I want my family life to reflect our values of security, simplicity, and togetherness—not frenzied chaos and overambition. If that means stepping away from an activity or two, it’s a tradeoff I’m more than willing to make.”

Surviving Parenthood As an Introverted Mom

“I actually prayed that God would give me a quiet, introverted child who would value time spent noiselessly playing in his room and would happily honor my need for extended periods of solitude and silence. God obviously had different plans for my son’s personality, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. . . . Though it isn’t always easy to parent a child whose temperament is so different from mine, many of my premature concerns have proven unwarranted. . . . I’ve been amazed by—and incredibly thankful for—the ways that God has shifted my priorities and adjusted my own energy needs to accommodate my son’s extroversion.”

30 Novels That Are Perfect for Fall Reading

“If summer reading is about breezy poolside chick lit, fall reading is a little heavier, a touch cozier, and a tad more mysterious. This fall reading list leaves behind the optimism and romance of summer to embrace autumn’s melancholia, introspection, spookiness, generational stories, and back-to-school vibes. As the days grow shorter and temperatures begin to cool, fall is the perfect time to grab a cup of tea and settle in with one of these fall-ish books.”

Productivity Hacks for Busy Moms

“Let’s face it: those dishes do eventually need to get washed. There are also lunches to pack, paychecks to earn, and laundry that simply won’t fold itself. Productivity might not be the most important measure of a life well lived, but it is important if we want to avoid falling off the treadmill of life. I’m not a productivity expert, but I run a fairly tight ship in my home. Things get done on time, often sooner, and I’m almost always content with how much I am able to accomplish in a day. This hasn’t always been the case: I’m a recovered procrastinator and someone who only recently has begun to conquer constant feelings of stress and overwhelm; but since becoming a mom, I’ve developed a handful of productivity tools and tricks that I’m happy to share.”

Have you written anything lately that you’d like to share? Please drop a link in the comments, I’d love to check it out!

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