My Dearest Nickel-Boy,
We’ve made it, Nico, two months together already! And what a doozy of a month it’s been. I’m writing this to you from the comfort of a local coffee shop while you sleep away in your swing at home. At least I hope you’re sleeping and not giving Daddy too much of a hard time. (Update: Apparently it started off well and went south pretty quickly. I came home to you screaming and refusing to take a bottle for poor Daddy.) It’s only our fifth time apart—never for more than two hours, and not at all in the last four weeks—and as nice as it is to have a little break, I’m missing you terribly.

I have to admit that I doubted I would miss you when fantasizing about this break earlier this morning when we were at Bible study—at Bible study, but not attending, since you never settled down long enough for me to go into the lecture or join our group time. (I spent the morning rocking you in the church nursery until it was time to pick up your siblings from their class. At least we got some quality one-on-one time.) That’s how a lot of our time has gone lately: attempting to go about life as usual with you in the carrier, then giving up because you won’t settle down. You LOVE your milkies, and really DON’T love any time you’re not nursing or asleep. And because you’re napping less now that you’re a little older, that leaves a lot of time for tears.

You’re definitely fussier than I remember any of your siblings being, but I have to say that your mostly-moody disposition makes your awake-and-calm moments all the sweeter. You’ve become more expressive in those moments and are incredibly alert. You track our movements, make eye contact, and have started to coo which is just the best! Once you’re upset it’s hard for anyone but me to get you to calm down, but when you’re calm you like to be worn in the carrier by both Daddy and me, and I’ve come across you and Daddy having some of the sweetest moments together in the glider as he rocks you and engages you in some Father/Son chats.

We saw game-changing improvements in the noise level of our home a couple of weeks ago when you “discovered” the swing. Daddy was camping with Charleston and I was on my own with you and the twins. You were very upset, but I needed to get dinner on the table, so I set you in the baby swing as a last-ditch effort to soothe you while I cooked. We’d tried the swing on numerous other occasions with no success, but this time you fussed for a minute and settled down. It was the beginning of a beautiful love affair. That swing has become your happy place and you will contentedly swing for hours on end, awake and taking in your surroundings until you eventually drift off to sleep.

Another game-changer this month was ditching the bassinet at bedtime and bringing you directly into bed with us for the full night. You snuggle up next to me and nurse on and off as we sleep, which has drastically cut down on the number of times I have to get up with you at night. We’ve settled into somewhat of a routine of doing bedtime prayers and Bible reading with the big kids at 7:00, then changing you into your jammies for some tummy time before nursing and songs in the glider. Around 8:00 we put you into the swing (in the living room) to sleep, and you’re good for a few hours until I wake you for a midnight feed and bring you to bed with me. We usually get up at least once during the night, then I nurse you again during my morning Bible time at 5:30 before putting you into the swing for an early-morning nap while I do school with the big kids.

The day time is much less predictable, largely because our family activities and routines vary each day. You’ll doze in the car and in the carrier when we’re at the library, gymnastics, dance, running errands, or at the gym (where I am able to wear you while walking on the treadmill). You’re much more awake (and much fussier) throughout the afternoon and evening hours, but we regularly enjoy a post-lunch nap together on the couch. Before you were born I’d worried you would get less Mama time as my fourth kiddo; you’re ensuring that’s not the case, and as tough as it can be to have you so glued to my side, I know from experience how fleeting these days will be and am doing my best to appreciate these sweet times when all your woes are eased by a snuggle with Mom.

A big moment for you this month was going on your first vacation: a week at a beach house in Galveston with Daddy’s family. I’ve never traveled with a newborn and was nervous about how the week would go, and it was better than expected! You cried for about half of the four-hour drive, but since we were able to bring your baby swing and other gear, you settled in pretty well once we were at the beach house. We spent many lovely nursing sessions on the patio overlooking the ocean, and hung out down on the sand with the family watching your siblings and cousins splash and play. You even dipped your toes in the ocean for the first time, though you weren’t a fan. Most importantly, you had some really good nights which was a HUGE relief as we were sharing a room with your siblings—and a house with seven other extended family members—and I’d feared you would cry the whole night and keep everyone awake. Way to go with the flow, Buddy!

Of the many joys we’ve experienced since you were born, perhaps my favorite has been watching your siblings step into their roles as big brothers and sister. They all love you SO much and are ALWAYS smothering you with kisses. They each care for you in their own ways: Sully, ever our conscientious one, always washes his hands before requesting permission to touch you (which is dozens of times per hour), and he gets very concerned when you cry, asking if I’ve nursed or changed you recently and, if I have, working to discern what might be upsetting you and trying to cheer you up with Giraffy, your rattle giraffe. For her part, Kali soothes you with songs and cooing to her Nico-Nico. And then there’s Charleston, who has absolutely stepped up his Big Brother game. He loves holding you and gets so excited about all of your newest faces and milestones. His enthusiasm over hearing you coo for the first time was off the charts (he talked for days about how he couldn’t believe you were already talking, and how fast you were growing up), and he’s your biggest cheerleader during tummy time (which he tries to morph into private crawling lessons). Last week he heard me telling another adult how close the twins are, and how I’m glad the two of you book-end brothers have each other and will one day be the best of pals. Charleston immediately quipped, “we already ARE best friends!” I absolutely melted.

I’m not entirely sure what to expect as we head into this final month of your “Fourth Trimester.” I sincerely hope this month brings more calm moments and maybe even some smiles. But whether there is stormy weather or brighter skies on the horizon, I know my love for you will only grow. You are such a blessing, my darling Nico, and I’m honored to be your adoring mom.
Love Always and Forever,

LENGTH: 20.75 inches
WEIGHT: 9 pounds 5 ounces

DIAPER SIZE: 1 (Honest Diapers)

EYE COLOR: Dark Blue
CUTEST MOMENTS: cooing “conversations,” seeing you calm down when the big kids talk or try to play with you, tummy time with Charleston

NOTABLE FIRSTS: first vacation, first trip to the beach, first few weeks with Daddy back at work
MILESTONES: cooing, making eye contact, tracking our movements, startling with loud sounds

LIKES: baby swing, milkies, giraffe rattle toy, baths
DISLIKES: diaper changes, waiting for milkies, being cold

OTHER SWEET NICO-ISMS I WANT TO REMEMBER: How you coo and make smiling faces (and sometimes grimaces) in your sleep; the way you grasp my shirt when you nurse; you melting into me for comfort when I pick you up after you’ve been fussing; seeing you root for your whole fist to suck on it for comfort.