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“There is nothing more powerful, more radical, more transformational than love. No other substance or force. And do not be deceived, for it is all of these things, and then far more than that. It can’t be circumscribed by our desires or dictated by the whim of our moods. Not the Great Love of the Universe, as I like to call it. Not the Love that set everything in motion, keeps it in motion, which moves through all things and yet bulldozes nothing, not even our will. Try it. Just try it and you’ll see. If you love that Great Love first, because It loved you first, and then love yourself as you have been loved, and love others from that love…WOW! BAM! Life without that kind of faith-that’s death. Therein lies the great metaphor…Life without faith IS death. For life, as it was intended to be, is love. Start loving and you’ll really start living. There is no other force in the universe comparable to that.” ~ Carolyn Weber, Surprised by Oxford

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