I have a great list of books to share with you today, including a few that will almost certainly be on my list of favorites for the year. Of course I have ...
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I have a great list of books to share with you today, including a few that will almost certainly be on my list of favorites for the year. Of course I have ...
It’s been two months since my last Quick Lit post, so I have a LOT of books to share with you today. Let’s get right to those reviews! NONFICTION The Art Thief: ...
I had a successful and fairly diverse month of reading. I’ll skip the lengthy preamble and get right to the reviews! NONFICTION Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for ...
Nothing about my new (postpartum) life is feeling “normal” just yet, and that includes my reading life. While I’m still trying to find a good rhythm with my reading, I’ve managed to ...
I’m still playing catch up with my book reviews. In case you missed it, I shared my August reads two weeks ago in a belated September Quick Lit. And today I have ...
I tried not to have too many expectations when we were heading into this new season of life with a newborn. This is not my first New Baby Rodeo, but it is ...
Happy Quick Lit day! I have lots of books to share with you today, including a couple I loved and a lot that I didn’t (but that I still enjoyed reviewing). Let’s ...
It was a very successful reading month for me, with books that were lighter than my usual fare but were exactly what I wanted to be reading. Let’s get to the reviews! ...
With a couple of exceptions, the books I read this month were . . . fine. Not horrible, but not favorites either. That’s not to say YOU won’t find your next favorite ...
It was an average reading month, with quite a few good books, a few that I really didn’t enjoy at all, and a couple of books that will be on my list ...