What I Learned This Spring About Birthdays, Pregnancy, Expectations, and Small Conveniences

It seems that 2024 is the year of the Tenth Anniversary. Perhaps it’s just the content circles I swim in, but MANY of the podcasters and bloggers I follow are commemorating ten ...

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What I Learned This Winter About Blessings, Loss, and My Own Best Practices

I have been reflecting on what I’ve been learning in posts like this one for ten years—almost since the inception of this blog. Often the lessons come easily to me, leaping out ...

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What I Learned in 2023

It’s a weighty thing, reflecting on an entire year’s worth of learning. As one who claims learning and reflection as two of my highest values, I carry this task with seriousness and ...

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Eleven Things I Learned This Fall

Fall is our family’s busiest season. Even without the sports involvement that occupies many families’ hours during the autumn months, we always pack a lot into September, October, and November, and this ...

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An Assortment of Things I Learned in the Summer of ’23

Here’s something to ponder: where do you draw the line for the “end of summer”? Is it when school is back in session? Or when pumpkin spice shows up on the Starbucks ...

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Mom Fieldnotes, Lightbulb Moments, Relationship Observations, and Other Things I Learned This Spring

Stagnant. That’s the primary emotion I can identify when I ask myself how I am doing these days. I’m not even sure if stagnant is a true emotion, but it’s the only ...

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What I Learned This Winter About Decisions, Transitions, Restraint, and the Soul (Plus an amazing copyright discovery!)

Today is a big day for me, my 39th birthday—which puts me just 366 days (thanks Leap Year) away from being “over the hill.” Sure, forty is the new thirty, and age ...

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What I Learned in 2022

Almost every year of my past decade has been marked by some great hurdle, challenge, hardship, or pivotal event: a new baby (or babies), a cross-country move, an infertility trial or miscarriage, ...

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What I Learned This Fall—About World Views, Discipling My Children, Community, and Unexpected Blessings {2022}

At the end of this past summer I shared a list of things I slid into learning that season: lessons learned almost by accident and without my knowing. My learning experience this ...

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What I Slid Into Learning This Summer {2022}

Back in my teaching days we often referred to the dreaded “Summer Slide.” It was a term used to describe the learning loss and general academic regression that took place in the ...

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