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Seasonal Q&A sessions have become something of a tradition here on the blog, and I love it! If you’re a new reader, or just need a refresher, here’s how this works: I list out a few questions, and you respond—either in the Comments section below, or on whatever social media platform you’re visiting from. Of course I’ll be answering, too, because who can resist a good icebreaker question?!

This round of questions is inspired by two key themes for fall: back-to-school season (sure, that seems like ages ago already, but still fall!) and Halloween!

1. What was your favorite year in school?

Sixth grade. We were at the top of the Elementary School chain, I had an awesome teacher and a great group of friends, and Outdoor Ed. science camp was more fun than should be permissible for an 11-year-old. (Eight grade—the year I was homeshcooled—was a close second, and that experience is a key motivator behind our decision to homeschool our own kids!)

2. What was your senior quote?

[I had to look this up in my yearbook, I’d forgotten mine.]

We were asked to answer the question, “What has your high school experience meant to you?”

My response: “My high school experience has prepared me go out into the ‘real world’ and make a difference. Matthew 10:38-39” 

I can hear your eyes rolling to the back of your heads. Don’t worry, mine are too. The verse was a nice touch, though, I will give 18-year-old-Kendra that much.

3. Where did you go to college and what did you study?

Concordia University, Irvine. I was a Liberal Studies (Elementary Education) Major with a music concentration, and a Spanish Minor. . . none of which I’m using today, ha!

4. What’s your most memorable Halloween costume?

In second grade I was a Dalmatian. My parents stayed up all night on the night before Halloween sewing felt polkadots onto a pair of white long underwear. I will never complain about the cost of my child’s store-bought costumes! 

5. What is your favorite candy?

Year-Round: Reese’s Pieces. At Halloween, it’s Candy Corn, although I won’t touch the stuff any other time of year; same goes for Peeps at Easter and Candy Canes at Christmas.

Now it’s your turn. Answer one or all five. I can’t wait to hear your response!

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