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I was having a hard time settling on a verse to memorize and meditate on this month. I decided to flip through Jesus Calling for some inspiration, and turned to the devotion for January 16 (Charlie’s birthday). As so often happens with this particular devotional, the message for that day was exactly what I would have needed to read on the day I gave birth. (Unfortunately, I wasn’t reading through Jesus Calling at the time). The day’s featured verse, from Joshua 1, especially stood out to me—both in thinking about what would have encouraged me through my labor and delivery, and in reflecting on my current spiritual state. I have frequently struggled with fear and discouragement throughout my life, and though I know in my head that I should turn those fears over to God, that is not my default response. This verse is a powerful reminder that not only should I not be afraid, I have been commanded to have courage. I have the Creator of the Universe on my team, carrying me, so I truly do have nothing to fear.

Joshua 1:9

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9

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