Joyful Discipleship

It’s 7:00 in the morning, and I already feel like throwing in the towel for the day. In the hour that my kids have been awake, we’ve navigated two meltdowns (one involving ...

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Homeschooling, Year Four: Our Plans for Third Grade

It’s been a lovely summer, but we’re ready to get back to (school)work, and Charleston and I will be starting THIRD grade tomorrow! Which means that we are entering into our fourth ...

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Parents: We aren’t doing enough. (But that’s okay!)

I often wonder how far back the phenomenon of Mom Guilt extends. Like, did Eve go to bed each night wondering if she’d spent enough time playing with young Cain and Able ...

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Back to School with Mrs. Jernejcic’s Second Grade Class (Our Homeschool Plans for this School Year)

As unbelievable as it seems, my little (now big) guy started second grade two weeks ago, and with that milestone we entered into our THIRD year of homeschooling. If we ever had ...

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Homeschooling First Grade: Our Game Plan for This Year

As a homeschooling mom, I’m always interested in seeing what my fellow homeschoolers are up to: What curriculum are they using? How are they structuring their days? Where are their kids getting ...

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Homeschooling Kindergarten: Time to Check In!

Back in August, I shared a post outlining our plans for homeschooling Kindergarten with Charleston this year. Now that we are a few months into the school year and have settled into ...

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My Good List: Homeschool Edition

With the world all sorts of crazy right now, it’s helpful to step away from the madness in order to reflect on and appreciate some of life’s sweetness. I have enjoyed embracing ...

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