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Happy Friday! It’s been a while since our last round of Happy Hour questions, so I think we’re due. I’ve had so much fun with them in the past that I’ve decided to make it a seasonal feature here on the blog. I hope you’re ready for our spring round of questions!

If you’re new around here, here’s how this works: I list off a few questions, and you leave a comment answering one question, or all seven. Feel free to respond in the Comments section in this post, on Facebook, Instagram, or wherever else you’re seeing this. If you receive these posts via email, you can simply click reply with your answers and they will come straight to my inbox.

I can’t wait to hear your answers! To get you started, and to help you get to know me a little better too, I answered the questions too!

1. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Chaos, messes, and clutter. And hand prints on my stainless steel appliances. (<– Techinically—in my mind at least—those are all versions of the same thing.)

2. What is your favorite beverage?

Diet Dr. Pepper—without ice, if it’s from a soda fountain, and at room temperature if it’s in a bottle or a can. If we’re talking hot beverages, my fave is hot tea, preferably black tea of a nutty or vanilla-y variety.

3. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done (and would you do it again)?

Skydiving, and yes, I would do it again. Moving to Texas was also pretty crazy (for us, at least), and I would do that again too. I’ve come to believe that everyone needs to experience living in a place different from where they grew up.

4. What’s the first movie you remember seeing in the theater?

Oliver and Company on a preschool field trip.

5. What’s a dream from your past that you’ve had to let go?

Before getting married, I’d hoped to live and teach overseas. I suppose that could still happen, but not as a single person as was my plan. I’ve also (mostly) let go of my childhood dream of becoming a professional tightrope walker. 😉

6. If you could live anywhere for a year, where would you go?

It’s a toss up between New York City, Hawaii, and Tuscany.

7. Cats or dogs?

I love both! But my dad’s cat allergies kept us from owning one when I was younger. Luke’s allergic, too, so we’ll probably only ever be dog people—once we actually get a dog, that is. (It’s one dream I refuse to let go of!)





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