I don’t know about you, but personally I’ve had better weeks. When I feel stuck or overwhelmed, I find comfort and wisdom in the words of others. I hope these links will provide that for you today.

Pandemic Parenting, by Burke Nixon
“A child’s imaginative acts [provide] a much-needed sense of joy and control during a period that may seem bereft of both. There’s a holiness to the creativity of children, a Godliness even: creation for the joy of creation.”
Reclaiming 2020, by Christine Bailey
“Reclamation infers that there is something that needs to be brought back under cultivation. Something that is under our stewardship, which I believe is given to us by God. Peace. Freedom. Joy. The honor and privilege of planting and growing and beautifying. I would argue that there are no ‘small’ acts of reclamation. Every bit matters and counts.”

10 Bible Passages That Help Us Persevere, compiled by Marlena Graves
“We don’t have to handle it, or figure everything out on our own, or move mountains in our own strength. We can bring our concerns to God with thanksgiving, ask him for what we want, and then yield to what he wants for us and for those we’re praying for.”
4 Truths 2020 Has Taught Me About Working Well, by Tsh Oxenreider
“No one needs my opinion and commentary about every single thing happening right now, and it doesn’t need yours. This should be a welcome relief. It is WAY TOO LOUD out there, and I’m tired of everyone acting like everyone’s waiting to hear what they have to say.”
How to Recharge With Little Kids Underfoot, by Erin Loechner
“When little ones are feeling frenzied and tantrum-y, assigning them some ownership over something they can control (or perceive to control) is never a bad thing, nor is shooing them out into the midday sun for some fresh air and nature’s medicine. It’s a healthy reminder for all involved that there does, indeed, exist life outside your own four walls, and that there is bigness to be found.”

If You’re Somewhere In the Messy Middle, by Kaitlyn Bouchillon
“In some ways, we’re all experiencing it together this year. There’s a great unraveling — a slow-going, confusing, messy, and sometimes painful unmaking. But something, even here and even now, is being made in us. The other side of the hoop, and the whole of Scripture, tells me this is true.”
When You Don’t Know What to Think, by Andrea Debbink
“Critical thinking is the process of evaluating information to make decisions about what to believe or do. It’s a set of skills that takes time and practice. And most of us don’t do it enough. Reviewing these skills has helped me process the information overload of 2020—and it might help you too.”
We Have Today, by Arlisia Potter
“There are times when I find myself trying to relive yesterday and jump into tomorrow. The pendulum of my mind swinging back and forth between the two—wishing I had done something differently in the past, while trying not to carry the mistakes of this same past into tomorrow. The emotions generated in this oscillating mindset can range from regret to anxiety to fear, all of which can be paralyzing if I let them.”

Please feel free to share a link to something you have read or written lately in the Comments.
Thank you so much for sharing my post about the messy middle! I’m grateful to hear it resonated with you.