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There’s some seriously good stuff in today’s link roundup: ideas for combatting anxiety, improving conversations, and increasing happiness, as well as a fantastic essay about one of my very favorite places. Plus, my latest for Austin Moms Blog. Enjoy!

How I Stopped Fighting Anxiety, by Andrea Debbink

“When anxious thoughts and feelings arise, anxiety itself tells us that we have only two options: fight or flight. So we either go to battle against our thoughts or we pursue distractions. But there’s a third option besides fight or flight, and it took me decades to find it: float.”

Why I Still Do My Own Grocery Shopping, by Yours Truly for Austin Moms Blog

“Most importantly, going to the grocery store has given us both some healthy human interaction as we’ve participated in a communal activity among strangers—a rarity in these days of online shopping and screen-based community.”

8 Ways I Choose My Next Read, by Carol @ Reading Ladies Book Club

“I don’t read a book simply because it’s receiving a lot of hype…..I make sure it’s the right read for me. Sometimes if I’m not sure, I allow some time for the hype to die down. I can usually tell if it’s for me because multiple reviewers whom I trust will review and recommend. This is a little tricky because I have a great deal of FOMO and I love to read new releases and be a part of the initial buzz! Although sometimes a great deal of buzz sets the reader up with expectations that are too high and it ends up a disappointing read.”

A Tip for Having Better Conversations, by Anne Bogel

“When it comes to friendship, how do you bridge the gap between What are you doing this weekend? and feeling truly understood by another? How do you build a relationship where you can talk about anything—including the things that aren’t considered fit for polite conversation?”

A Guide To Your Library, by Savannah Morgan

“For I believe books are like friendships. They were not made for looking at. They were not made to be admired from a distance, reflecting on how perfect everything appears. They were made to be held. They were meant to give us their presence as we give them ours. They were meant to be safe places for discussions, disagreements, and questions.”

How to Be Happier: Ten Tips for Being a More Light-Hearted Parent, by Gretchen Rubin

“One of my Twelve Commandments is ‘Lighten up,’ and I have a lot of resolutions aimed at trying to be a more light-hearted parent: less nagging, more laughing. We all want a peaceful, cheerful, even joyous, atmosphere at home — but we can’t nag and yell our way to get there.”

Have you read or written anything particularly share-worthy lately? Drop a link in the comments!

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