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Happy last OFFICIAL day of spring (which feels strange to say, given that I’ve been in summer mode for weeks already). Today’s spring/summer links include reflections on minimalism and on small moments with big impact; on infertility wounds and on parenting; on making plans and on what to do when plans go awry. Enjoy!

Has Respect for Parents Changed Over the Years?, by Mackenzie Irick Milks

“So maybe respect for parents hasn’t declined so much as our definition of it is mutable, and we should account for that. It looks different for kids these days because it might look different to the parents that are raising them. Moreover, we all have varying definitions based on our cultural backgrounds. If the definition of respect varies, so will the display.”

Dear Son, What I Want You to Remember Me By, by Me for Austin Moms

”I pray that the faith that is just a small seed in you right now will flourish and grow into the most important aspect of your life. I hope that you will never experience a day without sensing God’s presence and knowing how deeply He loves you—so much more than your mama ever could.”

Why Minimalism Doesn’t Work For Me, by Ashley @ NeverHomemaker

“I think it’s hard not to get caught up in the Keeping Up With The Joneses version of minimalism that’s circulating the internet. The closet challenges. The photos of neatly coordinated wooden toys. The clean white sheets and crisp slipcovers. THE IDEA THAT MINIMALISM WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE PERFECT AND EASY. Sorry to yell, but I have found living this way to actually be quite hard work.” 

How to Plan Your Summer for Growth, by Ann Boyd

“The different pace of summer brings with it an opportunity to pay attention carefully — to our senses, our relationships, and our spirits. Engaging fully in the present moment will help us to connect with ourselves, others, and God. Look for some ways to deepen your experience of presence.”

Infertility—A Hidden Scar, by Allison Bogle

“My road to my children broke me open in so many ways. You can’t see it on my skin. You can’t see it on my face. You might see it in my eyes, if you catch a moment just right, but most can’t tell how wounded I have been. How wounded many people dealing with infertility are. Our wounds can be beautiful, though. They show our strength. They mark us as warriors. They remind us to be gentle with others who may be hurting, even though their outsides don’t show it.”

When Life Takes a Detour, by Carolyn Watts

“Part of faithfulness is persevering in the task we’ve been given for as long as it’s entrusted to us. But this is important: Our ultimate calling is never to a role, but to a Person. The role may change; the Person, and the call to cling close to Him, will not.”

Have you read or written anything lately that you’d like to share with me and our audience? We’d love it if you dropped a link in the Comments!

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