If you’re anything like me, you’ve appreciated a little hand-holding as we navigate what is perhaps the strangest summer of our lives. Today’s links offer entertainment and encouragement as we make the most of this unique and (for better or worse) MEMORABLE summer of 2020.
Summer’s One #MustReadBook 2020, from Carol @ Reading Ladies Book Club
“I contacted twelve experienced reviewers from a variety of geographical locations to ask them what they would recommend as their ONE ‘Not-to-be-Missed’ Summer 2020 Recommendation. Today, I’m exceptionally excited to introduce you to twelve bloggers who chose ONE recommendation for YOU. . . . I think you’ll enjoy the following ‘recent releases’ recommendations that include some diversity and represent a mix of genres that will appeal to a variety of tastes (from nonfiction to historical fiction to books about literary characters to anti-racism to contemporary fiction to chick-lit to romcom to self-help to literary fiction to romance to science fiction to fantasy to ‘own voices’).”
Kendra Note: I was honored to be included in this roundup of bloggers’ favorite reads for the summer. Head to the post see which ONE book I recommend!
Self-Care for Hard Times, by Alysa Bajenaru
“Seeking out beauty and taking time to focus on it (seriously, stare at it for at least 20 seconds) unlocks a moment of peace in the middle of a busy or anxious day. I love looking for light and the way it peeks through the trees, noticing new blooms on my hibiscus plant, or watching birds swoop through my backyard.”
Emotional Burnout Is Real: Here’s How to Heal, by Josie Santie
“Emotional burnout often comes from feeling like you have no control. A lot is going on in the world that we don’t have an immediate effect over, but we can find solutions to the stressors we can control and forgive ourselves for the things we can’t. Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D, psychotherapist and author, said, ‘In the daily tasks and situations of our lives, we become our own bosses, whether we are aware of it or not. You can decide to become a good boss to yourself. This means you treat yourself with kindness and understanding and are generous with praise while being gentle with corrections.'”
Imagination and Well-Being, by Lisa Byrne
“The imaginative functions of our mind help us make sense of the reality around us. Our thoughts are constantly creating stories about what we see, hear, feel, sense, and experience around us. And those stories drive the direction of our lives.”
12 Fun Summer Camp Crafts and Activities to Try at Home, by Jacqueline Weiss
“Kids don’t have to go to an expensive camp to have a blast this summer! Bust summer boredom with these classic camp-inspired activities and crafts you can do at home with your kids. Find both indoor and outdoor activities for groups and individuals.”
If you’ve read or written anything share-worthy lately, please drop a link in the Comments!