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I have some great links to share with you on this fine Friday. . . though I might be a tad biased, as one of the posts was written by me (for Austin Moms) and another was one I had the honor of contributing to. In addition to those two posts, you’ll also find some beautiful marriage inspiration here, some compelling thoughts on loneliness, and a book list with an intriguing premise. Enjoy!

20 Books Featuring Seasoned Female Protagonists, by Anne Bogel

“Readers are looking for good books featuring female protagonists who aren’t just in their twenties and thirties. And they don’t want these older women to be quirky old ladies, or magical grandmothers, or elderly curmudgeons who manage to charm you anyway—no, these readers want to read about women who seem real and relatable, whose fictional lives are similar to their own.”

Ten Lessons I’ve Learned From More Than Ten Years of Marriage, by Me for Austin Moms

“I am not responsible for fixing perceived flaws I see in my husband, and blaming our marital issues entirely on him is at best unproductive and at worst deeply destructive to our marriage. The quickest, healthiest path to conflict resolution is focusing on the role I play in our disputes and taking full responsibility for my complicity, then doing my part to make amends.”

Forward, Backward, or Spiral, by Cara Eileen

“If life just got better and better as it went along that would be great. . . . It’s more like a mountain spiral with a mix of conditions. Ultimately, you’re still on the right path heading to your destination, the top of the mountain. You’ll get there, but along the way, you’ll experience both sides of the mountain.”

Find Your One “Must Read” Book of the Summer, compiled by Carol @ Reading Ladies

“I contacted twelve experienced reviewers from a variety of geographical locations to ask them what they would recommend as their ONE ‘not-to-be-missed 5 Star’ summer recommendation. Today, I’m exceptionally excited to introduce you to twelve bloggers who chose ONE recommendation for YOU (listed in alphabetical order by blogger’s first name).”

Kendra Note: Head to the post to find out which book I chose as a must-read book for summer!

The Lie of Loneliness, by Leslie Kvasnicka

“So what I’ve found is that to fight loneliness, your first step is to know and be known. To love and be loved. To accept and be accepted. To forgive and be forgiven. To connect and be connected.”

Grandparents Celebrate 60th Anniversary With Heartwarming Photo Shoot, by Kelsey Borreson

“During the shoot, the Browns shared their secrets to a long, happy marriage, including: ‘Don’t go to bed if you’re angry,’ ‘be prepared to forgive, always,’ and ‘maintain a good sense of humor.’

Have you read or written anything particularly link-worthy lately? Please share it with us in the Comments!

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