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The “experts” have been proclaiming the demise of blogs for years now, but we’re a week into a new year and I’m still discovering great new content. Here’s a look at some of my fun finds from the past month.

How to Set Goals Like a Normal Person // Kendra Adachi

“Small steps and big accomplishments alike make sense when we see ourselves on a path. Any movement is good movement. Every small step keeps us in the purposeful direction we intentionally chose. Checked boxes aren’t the end of the story. And even if we stand still, we’re still on the path.”

Maybe this is your New Year’s Resolution // Sarah Bessey

“For too long, I elevated popular culture’s opinion of me over what I know about being fearfully and wonderfully made, over my logic, over my own feminist and theological convictions, over my beliefs about who I am in Christ.”

The Gift of a Lifetime // Robin Dance

“But sitting on the floor of that empty bedroom, spending hours essentially reading most of my life, I realized the value – again, and in a different way – of the written word. How cards and letters tell your personal history. This gift you can give your kids begins with a card and a conversation.”

How I Stopped Checking My Phone And Started Using It With Intention // Josh Spector

“I didn’t take a “digital detox” and completely abandon social media for a brief period of time because that feels more like a temporary treatment than an actual solution. . . . Instead, I set out to change my phone habits and create a simple set of rules to limit the negative (and amplify the positive) impacts of when and how I use my phone.”

Choosing Without Deciding // Seth Godin

“Decisions are fraught. That weight can pay off with a more serious approach, with more diligence, but mostly it weighs us down.We can save a lot of time and effort by making our meaningless choices effortless.”

10 New Year’s Resolutions You Should Make In 2018, Based On Your Favorite Literary Character // Charlotte Ahlin

“It’s easy to feel burnt out about politics right now. But Hermione Granger wouldn’t let you give up. Hermione Granger would tell you to keep calling your representatives. Hermione Granger would drag you to the library to read up on your rights as a private citizen, then knit a couple of hats for house-elves, and then top it all off by punching a Death Eater in the face. Follow Hermione’s lead, and don’t let yourself become complacent in the face of evil.”

Feel free to leave a comment with a link to something you read or wrote this month! 

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