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This month’s links are for those hoping to overcome their fears, cultivate authenticity and empathy, create space in their lives, understand their podcast obsession, practice faithful endurance, or know how to pick a good recipe. All of these posts spoke to me in some way and I’m sure they will for you, too.

Stay In It (This Is Where the Change Happens) // Hayley Hengst

“We cry out to God for all SORTS of things. Some valid, others not. “Fix this, heal this, take this away, give this to me, let me, stop this, provide this, protect me from this, do this or them.” Sometimes God answers, but other times, He doesn’t.”

It’s All In Your Head: The One-Way Intimacy of Podcast Listening // Glen Weldon

“This profound sense of adoration I was feeling, I realized then, was not directed at the podcast’s subject, or even, technically, at the hosts themselves. It turns out that what I love, what I hunger for, and what keeps me perpetually searching for new roundtable discussion podcasts, is what gets created at the intersection of these subjects, and these hosts — the particular nature of these conversations.”

How Creating Space In Your Life Cares For Your Soul // Katherine Jean Butler

“Remember, creating space is not about disconnecting. Creating space is a tool to help us become more connected. When our days aren’t filled to the brim, we have more capacity to feed our creativity, be present with others, tend to our own souls, and be attentive to God being with us.”

How to Know If a Recipe is Any Good // Kendra Adachi

“You have the power, y’all. You don’t have to be held hostage by recipes and wonder if they’ll be any good. Waste is one of the most frustrating aspects of cooking – wasted time, wasted ingredients and money, and wasted good vibes around the table while everybody is bummed by a bland dinner. . . wouldn’t it be great to be able to make an educated decision before you buy a potato or turn on a burner?”

Cultivating Authenticity: Who Do You Want To Be? // Amanda Sanchez

“The thing with vulnerability is, there’s never a guarantee that we’ll get the connection we seek on the other end. Because connection also requires vulnerability from the other person, and we can’t control where others are on their journey to authenticity. But that’s what makes us BRAVE. Our willingness to do it anyway, to give it a try because we value courage more than we’re afraid of it.”

“Is the noise in my head bothering you?” // Seth Godin

“That noise in our head is selfish, afraid and angry. That noise is self-satisfied, self-important and certain. That noise pushes intimacy away and will do anything it can to degrade those that might challenge us.”

Fear-Setting: The Most Valuable Exercise I Do Every Month // Tim Ferriss

“In my undying quest to make myself miserable, I accidentally began to backpedal. As soon as I cut through the vague unease and ambiguous anxiety by defining my nightmare, the worst-case scenario, I wasn’t as worried about taking a trip. Suddenly, I started thinking of simple steps I could take to salvage my remaining resources and get back on track if all hell struck at once.”

A Season of Transformation // Carolyn Watts

“Along the road to spring’s resurrection is the death and dormancy of winter. Winter has its own important work to do in us. Here as nowhere else we learn the lessons of perseverance and patience and grace. We only really know how deeply loved we are when we come face to face with our own helplessness and find ourselves loved even in that place.”

Please feel free to leave a comment with a link to a post you have read or written this month that you think would be of interest to me and our audience. We’d love to check it out! 

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