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It’s finally Friday! And we’re rounding out the week with some lovely links. This batch of links contains some spiritual inspiration, as well as some food for thought. Enjoy!

If Nothing Else I Have God // Cara Eileen

“If it’s said as a last resort, it comes from a place of relying on yourself first. If relying on yourself doesn’t work, then you feel like oh well, I have this less-than-ideal back-up plan. (aka the God of the Universe) Said with a contented heart, it says that you ONLY need God and if everyone else has abandoned you, you are still 100% cared for by a loving God who deeply knows and loves you.”

Aging With Grace // Veronica Ryan

“Although the aging process is sad, it’s also great in many ways. I now feel more comfortable with my opinions and sharing them. I’ve lived long enough to be an ‘expert’ in certain fields. I’ve had enough life experiences to provide valid evidence when giving advice. I can now be the ‘adult’ in the room and get listened to.”

Hard-Earned Wisdom: From a Mother to Her Daughters // Melanie Applegate

“I know they will feel strong and be brave, but also scared and want to give up. I know they will make some great choices and some not-so-great. I know I can’t save them from struggle, but I can share a few pieces of hard-earned wisdom that I hold close to my heart in hopes that it might encourage and inspire them to be strong, love hard and live their very best life.”

You are not your personality: Why the Enneagram matters // Jon Singletary

“The Enneagram is really just one tool for considering who God is making you to be and discerning how God is at work in your life. It is a really good one, but, with it being so trendy right now, we have to be cautious about how it is used. It is too easy to turn it into a party trick rather than a spiritual resource for discerning how God continues to be at work in our lives.”

Today’s Problem With Masculinity // Benjamin Sledge

“While men desperately crave emotional intimacy with other men, some of us have built up callouses so tough that even the notion of deep connection is considered effeminate. Instead, men lash out with deadly violence and dive head first into asynchronistic digital intimacy as opposed to real relationships.”

Earthly Tent // Kylie Mitchell

“I know how it feels to hate being in your body. And I have so much compassion for you if that is what you are struggling with. But God doesn’t call us to achieve the worldly ‘ideal body. In fact, the pursuit and overvaluation of achieving a particular body size will keep us away from God. This pursuit of a smaller or different body can be something that breaks the wholeness of your connection with Him.”

Summer Reading Guide // Anne Bogel

“If you’re anything like me, you think summer is made for reading. But nothing is more frustrating than picking up the latest (and much-hyped) new release to find that even though it’s a bestseller, it’s not the right book for you. How do you enjoy the hits without wasting time on the misses? Enter the summer reading guide.”

Kendra Note: I look forward to this guide all year long! I’ve come across some of my favorite books through Anne’s recommendations. I am incredibly excited about some of the titles on this year’s list, especially this and this

Read or written anything recently that you’d like to share? I’d be honored if you’d leave a link in the Comments!

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