Many Christians talk about how they regularly hear from God, sometimes even audibly. But even though I’ve had a personal relationship with Christ for most of my life, this direct hearing from God isn’t an area where I have a lot of experience. Through the years, I have had moments when I was confident God was communicating with me, but more often than not, this “hearing” has been subtle, and in most cases it has happened in hindsight: only in reflecting on past circumstances do I see where God was speaking to me.
Because of my own experiences, I was relieved to hear Christian singer and author Mike Donehey confess that even when he sections out designated time with God, he often feels like it’s a waste because he almost never hears directly from the Lord. But as Mike points out in the interview, when he at least makes time to try to hear God speaking to him, he can have reassurance knowing that he gave God a chance to say something. If God needed to convey a message, Mike would have heard it. And if Mike doesn’t heard from God, he can move forward with confidence to go with the last thing he heard.
Mike’s insights were convicting because, if I’m being honest, I often neglect carving out time to intentionally listen for God’s voice because I assume I won’t hear from Him. Yet I know that God longs for time with me, whether or not that time produces recognizable outcomes. Sometimes, His comforting silence may be all that He wants me to hear.

In Psalm 25, David professes his desire for God and his total dependence on Him. He asks God for wisdom and instruction—both of which can come only from dedicated time spent with his Creator. Like David, I long for God to guide my path and speak wisdom into my life. But the only way for me to access these gifts is by reading His Word and spending time in His presence. Not every day spent reading Scripture will result in some grand takeaway. Not every prayer will lead to divine revelation. But opening my heart, mind, spirit, and schedule to God has the potential to transform my life as I hear and listen to His voice. He is my source of hope, and I can trust in Him—even when He seems silent.