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A few weeks ago I had one of those magical days where the world was begging me to wake up and take notice. When I opened the blinds in my bedroom, I was greeted by a spectacular sunrise that took my breath away. . . . On our drive to church that morning, we were treated to a visual banquet—wispy clouds opening over fields of wildflowers from every hue in the rainbow, and ribbons of birds dancing their way across sky. . . . Our worship songs in service that morning spoke deeply to my soul, and the message was one of encouragement and conviction—exactly what my heart was longing to hear in that moment. . . All day long, my kids were well-mannered and charming, bursting with laughter and smiles.

It pains me to acknowledge that I have likely experienced countless magical days like this in my life and failed to celebrate or even recognize the goodness within them. But on this particular day I was awake to the wonder all around me, and I could hardly refrain from falling to my knees in grateful worship to the Lord who was blessing me with a love letter of the senses on this wonder-filled day.

Words rarely fail me, but in moments when I am overcome with feelings of such immense thanksgiving and praise to my Lord and Savior for His gracious kindness to me, I find myself speechless. In these instances I rely on Scripture to articulate the ineffable words of my own heart. Few passages speak praise so clearly and beautifully as these verses tucked away in the book of 1 Chronicles.

At this point in the Biblical narrative, the ark of the covenant—the Israelites’ emblem of God’s presence and glory—has just been restored to its rightful place within Israel. In response to this momentous event, King David leads his people in a day of spectacular celebration. He then appoints a group of Levites to minister before the ark, establishing an enduring institution of worship to regularly remember and commemorate the great things God has done. David recognized the Lord’s greatness, and he responded in the only way He could: with praise and worship.

I could learn a thing or two from David’s response. In my own life, I spend more time complaining to God or asking Him for things than I do simply worshipping Him and meditating on His goodness. I can relate to the words given in a sermon over one hundred years ago:

“We do not talk sufficiently about God. Why it is so may not be easy to explain; but there seems to be too great reticence among Christian people about the best things. . . . We talk about sermons, details of worship and church organization, or the latest phase of Scripture criticism; we discuss men, methods, and churches; but our talk in the home, and in the gatherings of Christians for social purposes, is too seldom about the wonderful works of God. Better to speak less, and to talk more of Him. . . . The heart does not seek for God and his strength, nor his face continually; and therefore we find it hard to talk of all his wondrous works.”

F. B. Meyer

This month, as I walk through days filled with unnoticed blessings and countless invisible miracles, I want my posture to be one of gratitude, praise, and heartfelt worship. The praises of the Israelites will be echoing in my ears and slipping from my lips as I join the angels and all of creation in rejoicing as I exalt my Lord and Savior, seeking His face and remembering the wonders He has done.

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