Be Here, Now (July Verse of the Month—Psalm 16:11)

Pregnancy does not last forever. It may seem interminable, but no woman in history (that I’m aware of) has ever gotten pregnant and stayed that way indefinitely. The above may seem like ...

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Watchful (June Verse of the Month—1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about spiritual warfare. It’s not that I don’t believe that spiritual warfare is real, I most definitely do. The Bible is full of references ...

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Well-Watered and Right-Side-Up (May Verse—Isaiah 58:11)

Recently, a well-known politician made headline news when she proudly shared a story about ruthlessly shooting and killing her own dog. These days it’s nearly impossible to unite individuals from both sides ...

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Searching for Enough (March Verse—Psalm 92:1-5)

I’m part of a Women’s Bible Study this year called Faithful in the Mess. It’s a fitting title for this study on individuals in the book of Genesis, whose lives were indeed ...

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Acclaim–> Imitate –> Purpose (February Verse—Psalm 89:14-15)

I love to watch Kali as she watches Disney musicals on TV. She stares transfixed at the screen, studying the princesses’ every word and movement and downloading the details to memory for ...

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An Unmistakable Light (January Verse—1 John 1:5-7)

In the past few months our church’s weekly attendance has begun to outgrow our meeting space (a space that is less than two years old!). It’s a great problem to have, but ...

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Joy to the World! (December Verse—Psalm 96:12-13)

This blog post is coming to you from my living room couch. It’s not my usual writing spot, but my laptop and I have migrated from the office for the month of ...

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Is It Fair? (November Verse—Psalm 96:9-11)

Like nearly everyone who was alive in 2001, I remember the moment the towers fell with pristine clarity. I was putting the finishing touches on my mascara that Tuesday morning when my ...

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Ascribe to the Lord (October Verse—Psalm 96: 5-8)

According to the Pew Research Center, about one third of American adults currently identify as religious “nones”—people who describe themselves as atheists, agnostics, or “nothing in particular” when asked about their religious ...

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Filled Up (September Verse—Psalm 96:1-4)

The average American spends 7 hours and 4 minutes looking at a screen each day. That number is up by about fifty minutes per day since 2013. 1 Americans currently average 6.8 ...

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