Quotable || Present

“I cannot really be present for another person when my inner world is filled with preoccupations and distractions.” ~ David Benner ...

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Summer’s One Must Read Book Collaboration!

Readers, I hope you have your summer TBR lists ready because we are about to add a whole handful of books to those lists today! I was recently invited by Carol of ...

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Surprise! Baby #4 Coming This August!

It was just before Christmas, and I was feeling off. My stomach had been a mess all week, I was more exhausted than I should have been, and—most notably—I’d been hormonal and ...

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Give Thanks

About a year ago, when the twins were newly three, I was out running errands with Sully during a Saturday morning mother/son date. Sully was having an especially polite day, and after ...

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Faithful 02.23: Directionally Correct

In listening to as many podcasts as I do in my role as Professional Podcast Consumer (not really, but doesn’t that sound fun?), it’s interesting to note various trends across the platforms. ...

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Nostalgic Christmas

Christmas is a nostalgia factory. Each year, when December comes around, we relinquish any semblance of novelty and settle instead into the tried and the true. We eat traditional foods, tune into ...

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Name Your Cake

In their weekly podcast on human nature and happiness, hosts (and sisters) Gretchen Rubin and Elizabeth Craft frequently present “Know Yourself Better” questions. Always one for some solid introspection, I look forward ...

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Apathy, Messy Connections, and Harmful Overcorrections

In March, a woman in one of my small groups lost her mom in a sad accident. The death was unanticipated, and our group was still getting to know each other when ...

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Flipping the Script (Sermon on the Mount, Part One)

Kali and Sully are terrified of our Roomba vacuum. For the sake of their sanity and our peace, we only run it when they are sleeping or out of the house, but ...

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The Truth Chronicles: Better Together

Acquaintances and newer friends are often surprised to learn that I identify as an introvert. When I meet new people, I tend to come across as outgoing and social: I love getting ...

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