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I’ve dreamed of writing this post since before I even had a blog. At times I wondered if I would ever get to write it. But the joyful day has come when I get the pleasure of sharing you, my lovely readers, some wonderful news: I am pregnant!

Baby J Plus One

I think it goes without saying that Luke and I are beyond excited to become parents. Our journey toward parenthood has been long and difficult, and we could not be more thankful for this little miracle that has been given to us.

Baby J Onesie in Tree

I am currently twelve weeks along, and am so thankful to be just days away from my second trimester. The last couple of months have not been easy: from about five weeks on, I have experienced almost constant nausea, lower back pain, and extreme fatigue. As uncomfortable as it’s been, my doctor assures me that these are all positive signs (though I’m hoping my symptoms ease up a bit in the coming weeks). Fortunately, I am not working this summer, and have been able to get plenty of rest. (Which explains why my posts have been a bit sporadic lately; a rigorous schedule of two-to-three naps each day is not very conducive to a productive writing regimen!) I am also blessed to have an amazingly supportive husband who has been encouraging me to get the rest I need, and has been picking up the slack around the house – not to mention, giving me plenty of massages. I know that Luke is going to be an incredible dad!

And Then There Were Three

Thank you all for your prayers and support over the last several months and years, as we’ve navigated the rocky path toward becoming parents. I truly believe that this child was prayed into existence, and he (or she) is so loved already. We can’t wait to meet our little love next February!

For This Child

  • I love this post, too! Congratulations again. Pregnancy is filled with so much excitement and anticipation – enjoy every minute! P.S. I just LOVE all these pictures. 🙂

    • Thank you, Deanna. We had lots of fun with the pictures! On an unrelated note. . . I like your ring idea! I had been hoping for a January baby so we could add in a third birthstone (even if garnets aren’t that exciting) but two amethysts would be really pretty! 🙂

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