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Wherever you are on the parenting journey—from expectant parent to empty nester—I’m sure you will agree that while much of parenting comes naturally, there is a lot that doesn’t: birthing, caring for, and raising a child is one of life’s greatest joys and also one of its biggest challenges. Though I’m less than two years into parenthood myself, I’m already well acquainted with the rigors and questions that plague every parent. From day one, it’s been abundantly clear that I can’t do this parenting thing alone!

Even the best moms and dads need support from time to time. This usually comes in the form of extended family, friends, and other members in the community; after all, REAL PEOPLE are the best sources of help. However, there are plenty of other places to find encouragement and wisdom, and one of my favorite ways to get my daily dose of parenting fuel is through podcasts. Here are some of the great parenting podcasts I’ve been devouring lately.


Read-Aloud Revival

Podcast Description: “The Read-Aloud Revival Podcast is the place to get the inspiration and resources you need to read aloud to your kids. Get motivated and encouraged to build your family culture around books! The podcast is a collection of inspiring and informative interviews to help parents, homeschoolers, and teachers make reading aloud a central part of family life. Reading aloud is more than just a literary education—it’s a framework for family culture.”

Why I Listen: It’s no secret that I love books, and hope to pass this love down to Charleston (so far, it’s working—he loves reading, too!). It’s fun to hear from other moms who make reading aloud a priority in their families. I especially appreciate the regular reminders about the merits of reading, from broadening a child’s world view to enhancing his relationship with God.

Tune In If. . .You are looking for more ways to incorporate books into your family’s lives. This podcast is especially great for homeschooling families, but you don’t need to be a homeschooler to benefit from the show.

Favorite Episodes: RAR #28: Cultivating a Well-Trained Mind, Susan Wise Bauer // RAR #33: The Research Behind Reading Aloud, Dr. Joseph Price // RAR #42: Inspiring Parents in Children’s Literature: A Conversation with Greta Eskridge


God Centered Mom

Podcast Description: “Life is messy. Some days (some hours) are harder than others. Heather MacFadyen, mother of four boys, understands the wild ride. In this podcast she interviews guests about staying God-centered in a shaky mom world. Hearing vulnerable moments and examples of God’s faithfulness in the past, helps you, the listener, build firm faith foundations for the future. Reminding us of our position–centered in God’s presence and love.”

Why I Listen: I claim—and truly do believe—that God is the most important part of my life, but my beliefs aren’t always reflected in my parenting. Listening to the interviews on God Centered Mom helps me to keep my priorities in line. I am reminded that other moms experience the same daily struggles, but God is with us in the midst of them. I enjoy the variety of guests, and appreciate the encouraging but vulnerable tone Heather sets with each interview.

Tune In If. . . You are looking for spiritual encouragement and support in keeping God at the center of your household.

Favorite Episodes: Birds & Bees? Oh, help me please :: Mary Flo Ridley {GCM Ep 25} // Soulful over Frantic :: Shauna Niequist {Ep 127} // Recovery For Life :: Lynn Hoffman {Ep 129}

God Centered Mom Podcast

The New Mommy Media Shows

This is not one but FIVE great podcasts, all designed to educate and entertain new parents. I currently listen to two of the five shows: Parent Savers and The Boob Group. (The other three shows are Preggie Pals which is geared towards expectant mothers; Newbies, which guides moms through their baby’s first year of life; and Twin Talks, a show for parents of multiples.)

Parent Savers Description: “Parent Savers is an audio podcast providing new parents with practical information to help preserve their sanity. Both moms and dads discuss common parenting concerns for their toddlers. With the help of our experts, parents get the superhero strength they need to tackle the world, and the next dirty diaper.”

The Boob Group Description: “The Boob Group is an audio podcast supporting parents who are passionate about providing breast milk to their babies. Each week, a group of experienced moms openly discuss their success, their struggles and society’s impact on how they feed their babies. The show helps guide listeners by providing an honest, natural and judgment-free approach to breastfeeding, pumping, milk sharing and more.”

Why I Listen: I enjoy the mix of parenting experts and everyday parents featured on the shows. Each episode discusses relevant issues, bringing in the most current research as well as varying viewpoints on some of the more controversial topics. While all of the shows are excellent, I especially love The Boob Group for its originality and willingness to discuss a topic that often goes overlooked. I attribute much of our breastfeeding success to this podcast.

Tune In If. . . You are seeking camaraderie with other parents in your specific demographic. I highly recommend picking and choosing among episodes to hear the shows about topics that are most relevant to you.

Favorite Episodes: Newbies: Preparing Your Car for a Newborn // Parent Savers: How Young Children Impact Our Marriages // The Boob Group: Body Image and Breastfeeding


Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury Unruffled

Podcast Description: “Each episode addresses a reader’s parenting issue through the lens of Janet’s respectful parenting philosophy. Janet is a respected parenting adviser, author, and guest lecturer whose website (JanetLansbury.com) is visited by millions of readers annually. Her work informs, inspires, and supports caregivers of infants and toddlers across the globe, helping to create relationships of respect, trust, and love.”

Why I Listen: I learned so much about the RIE approach to parenting in Janet Lansbury’s book (full review here). The episodes in this podcast have demonstrated how to apply the RIE principles to very specific situations. I appreciate the practical, actionable nature of the podcast, delivered in short episodes through Lansbury’s calm, soothing voice.

Tune in If. . . You would like to learn how to handle your young child’s challenging behaviors calmly and respectfully. Listen to specific episodes directed at issues you are currently facing with your child.

Favorite Episodes: Finding the Right Tone for Setting Limits // Toddler Tattoo Artist (Why Limit Creativity?) // Stressed by a Child’s Relentless Demands for Attention


The Nourished Child Podcast

Podcast Description: “The Nourished Child is a podcast about childhood nutrition, feeding kids, and dealing with the inevitable ups and downs of raising a healthy child. Got a picky eater? A young athlete? Or just wanting to raise a healthy eater? No matter the age, nourishing today’s child can be complicated and frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be. Join Jill Castle, a registered dietitian, childhood nutrition expert, author and mom of four as she teaches, debunks and confronts every angle of food, feeding, and growing a healthy child, inside and out. Balanced food, effective feeding strategies, and advice from the experts. Let the Nourished Child podcast guide you along the way to a happy, healthy, nourished child.”

Why I Listen: I LOVE the book on feeding that Jill Castle coauthored with Maryann Jacobson (reviewed here) and was excited to hear that Jill was now hosting her own podcast! Feeding our children is important but challenging, and I want to surround myself with the best available information and support to ensure I am taking the healthiest approach to feeding my child. I want Charlie to grow up with a healthy relationship to food and hope to curtail any future food issues before they begin.

Tune In If. . . You want to raise a healthy eater but don’t quite know how or where to start.

Favorite Episodes: TNC 003: Feeding Matters: What’s Your Feeding Style? // TNC 005: Top Baby Nutrients Parents Need to Watch // TNC 008: Kids & Weight: Prevention, Treatment & Acceptance


In addition to these great shows, I’ve written about a few other excellent parenting podcasts in the past. Click the links below for my full reviews.

Focus on the Family: Encouragement and advice for families in every life stage, featuring interviews with Christian experts from a range of backgrounds and areas of expertise.

Cooking with the Moms: Recipe ideas and feeding tips for busy moms hoping to provide wholesome, kid-friendly meals for their families.

Inspired to Action: A pep talk for moms, delivered through uplifting interviews that encourage moms in the role God has given us.

What Really Matters: Interviews with experts in everything from professional organization to medicine, shared with the goal of helping parents simplify the tough stuff so we can focus on what really matters.


What parenting podcasts are you enjoying lately? Are there any favorites that I didn’t include on my list? If so, please share them with me!










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