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We’re inching closer to Baby Month in the Jernejcic home, and it’s hard for me to focus on much else. Room/sleeping rearrangements are underway (finally!). Baby items are acquired and just need sorting. We’re getting close to settling on a name. And my body has tipped over into “uncomfortable at all times” status. I keep reminding myself (and mostly believing for myself) that this same body carried DOUBLE the number of babies, so surely we can manage just one without too much trouble. . . if only my aching back and swollen feet would take note. When personal pep talks aren’t effective, other diversions are helping me remember that life these days is about more than baby kick counts (of which there are many, this is one active baby!) and birth plans.


I’ve been leaning heavily into the summer reads lately (I blame pregnancy brain that won’t let me focus on anything deep). This beach read with a cross-generational friendship at its center was sweet, and this rom-com that’s in everyone’s beach bag this summer was a surprise hit for me. I stayed up way too late reading this heart-stopping thriller and I adored this strangely thought-provoking novel with an amazing premise. That’s not to say that all of my light summer reads have been hits: this spy novel/rom-com never captured my attention so I DNF’d (extremely rare for me, this was my first of 2024) at 30%.

My favorite novel of the month was this unique time travel story that will definitely be on my list of best books for 2024. The kids and I fell hard for this fantasy/adventure story that is the first in a trilogy. And though it was heavier than much of my reading this month, this historical novel about an inspiring woman was beautiful. In nonfiction, this book was shocking, this one was deeply relatable, and I can’t say enough amazing things about the audio production of this. I’ll be sharing full reviews of my June books in a Quick Lit post next week.


Inside Out 2 ~ Adolescence is a time of upheaval, so it’s no surprise that when Riley reaches puberty her emotions go a little haywire. Entering the picture are brand new emotions (Anxiety, Ennui, Embarrassment, and Envy) that want to take over, leaving Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust to change up their operation in order to get Riley through the psychological rigors of summer hockey camp. 

The original Inside Out is such a classic, and this takes the concept in new and creative directions that I found fascinating. The writers effortless blend Riley’s exciting interior world with an engaging outer story of Riley and her hockey camp experience. The movie is entertaining/humorous enough for kids while also offering an insightful look at the emotional rigors of teen life that older audiences can appreciate. I found this insightful and relatable (both as an adult having gone through puberty, a hormonal mom experiencing plenty of new emotions during my pregnancy, and a parent of a tween in whom I’m beginning to witness some emotional changes). I was thankful for Pixar’s restraint on the content issues that have been cropping up in other Pixar and Disney films, and for how they handled the difficult subject of puberty with such gentleness and care for viewers of all ages. It’s not quite the tearjerker that I expected, and it’s not as good as the original, but it’s still a winner and I’m eager for a rewatch.

My Rating: 4.5 Stars 

(For families who have seen or are planning to see the movie and are looking for Biblically-based discussion starters, check out this podcast episode from Foundation World View.)

The Dressmaker ~ Luke and I stumbled across this movie on Amazon Prime and decided to give the film (billed as a comedy drama) a watch. Set in the Australian outback in the 1950s, it tells the story of a couturier-trained dressmaker named Tilly who was forced to leave her home as a child and has returned decades later to care for her mentally ill mother and uncover the mystery that led to her banishment. Luke and I both enjoyed the setting, amazing costumes, and premise, and the acting—especially from Kate Winslet—is superb. The story, though, was not at all the comedy we anticipated. There are humorous moments, but the overall tone and particularly the ending are incredibly dark. I (think) we’re glad that we watched it, but it’s not necessarily a movie I’m rushing to recommend. I would likely have enjoyed it more if I’d gone in with more realistic expectations.

My Rating: 3.5 Stars.


Here’s a look at a few podcast episodes that inspired and informed this month.

Don’t Mom Alone—Creating a Family Tech Plan :: Andrea Davis [Ep 470]

ThinQ—Fight for Female: Lisa Bevere | Episode 283

The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey—HH #676 Encountering Jesus with Kat Armstrong

Read Aloud Revival—#243: Why Read Fairy Tales

Focus on the Family with Jim Daly—Retaining Your Identity in Motherhood

Read Aloud Revival #244: How to Give Your Kids What Technology Can’t, Erin Loechner

The Ben Shapiro Show—The Religious Decline of the West | John MacArthur



+ After being chosen to go on stage for a game at VBS: “I’ve always wanted to be famous. . . but not for being part of a giant train!”

+ When Sully told us his favorite colors were red, blue, orange, green, yellow, and purple: “Sully, you can’t have that many favorite colors. Keep it down to three and a half.”


+ “When you’re 13 are you really tall?” Me: “Yes, when you’re 13 you’ll be a lot taller than you are now.” Sully: “Oh. So when is Daddy going to be 13?”

+ “I like this seaweed-strawberry flavor of yogurt.” (It was kiwi-strawberry.)


+ When I asked her to hurry up: “Sorry Mom. I don’t know how to be a person that’s super fast!”

+ “Mom, why are there so many things you don’t know?” Me: “I just can’t know everything.” Kali: “But Jesus knows everything. I like Jesus! He’s cool!”

+ When we encountered some not-great (abusive) parents in our read-aloud chapter book. “Grown-ups are always nice. Why not, then, in books?”

+ Running into my room: “Mom, mom! Guess what Jesus loves? PEOPLE! He loves everybody!”

+ On finding a box of her baby clothes that I’d saved. “Why do you have my baby clothes?” Me: “I’m saving them for you, foor your daughters to wear when they are babies.” Kali: “But what if I have all boys?”


We hit a fun milestone this month, with the twins reaching the exact age (4 years, 8 months, 11 days) that Charleston was on the day they were born! He seemed so much older, somehow. I can’t believe that Kali and Sully will have their turn as older siblings soon, too!

We were apart from both of our dads for Father’s Day (my dad lives in California, and Luke’s dad was also in California on vacation) so this year we got to focus all of our attention on the dad in our own home, and we had a great day! It started off with donuts, then church (where it was also Super Hero Day for the kids). Afterwards we went to see Inside Out 2 before coming home for presents and long naps. In the evening we were able to FaceTime my dad for a bit, rounding out a fun day celebrating the two great dads in my life.

Charleston attended a week of VBS (called “Camp HCF”) at my in-laws’ church and had an incredible time. This was his third year participating and each year it’s been a huge highlight of his summer. The camp is a FULL week—Monday through Friday, from 8:30-5:00 each day—and he was exhausted by the end of it and happy to return to our chill summer schedule. But boy did he have fun playing games, doing crafts, singing songs, and learning about Jesus. I was proud to hear that he got to go on stage (in front of hundreds of people) more than once to answer Bible trivia questions and recite some memorized verses, winning mega points for his 4th-grade team!



Good Men, Bad Fathers “It can feel disheartening to acknowledge that every single earthly father will eventually fail us. How encouraging to think that these flawed individuals highlight the flaw-LESSNESS of our Heavenly Father, the only Dad in Scripture (and in eternity) who gets 100% on his Fatherhood Report Card.

Watchful (June Verse of the Month—1 Corinthians 16:13-14) “We cannot remain alert on will-power alone; such attentiveness requires divine empowerment, rooted in God’s strength and grounded in love.”


Quick Lit + June 2024

Bookish Consideration: What Does “Summer Reading” Mean to You?

Bonus Book Review: The Gift of Limitations, by Sara Hagerty

Best of the Backlist: Complicated Family Stories


28 Things That Are Sadly Underrated


“When we see Jesus as he is, we must turn away or else shamelessly adore him.” ~ Dallas Willard

“Life doesn’t come with an instruction book — that’s why we have fathers.” ~ H. Jackson Browne

“The minute we are envious and jealous of another, we have banished God from our minds.” ~ R. C. Sproul

I hope that you have a wonderful upcoming holiday weekend celebrating this incredible country that we get to call home! In light of the holiday, I won’t have a new blog post this Thursday, but if you are itching for something festive to read this Independence Day, check out this older post for some fun 4th of July facts!

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