Kid Lit: A Few Picture Books We’ve Loved Lately

At the start of this year, Charleston and I were plowing through chapter books together and loving them. But out of the blue, Charleston let me know that he didn’t want to ...

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Kid Lit: Books That Charleston is Loving Lately

One of my favorite aspects of reading is getting to share the reading experience with others, whether that’s in real-life book conversations with bookish friends, or through reading and writing book reviews. ...

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Kid Lit: A Few Books Charleston Has Loved Lately

It’s been quite a while since my last Kid Lit post, but not for a lack of research or delightful book discoveries to share. In addition to devouring the twenty or so ...

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Kid-Lit: Chapter Book Series We Love Reading Aloud

It’s no secret that sharing books with my children is just about my favorite part of parenting. We are in such a sweet spot right now, where I get to read board ...

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Quick (Kid) Lit: A Few of Charleston’s Recent Favorite Books

It’s been a while since my last Kid Lit post, but I assure you that Charleston and I have continued reading up a storm. In addition to regularly reading through our own ...

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Quick (Kid) Lit: Books Charleston’s Been Reading Lately

I shared our first round of Quick Kid Lit last month, and I had so much fun putting that post together that I think I might make it a regular blog feature. ...

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Quick (Kid) Lit: A Few Books Charleston’s Loving Lately

I read a lot (as you well know) and nearly all of the books I read get featured at some point here on the blog. At least, all of the adult books I ...

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Quick Lit + July 2024

It was a very successful reading month for me, with books that were lighter than my usual fare but were exactly what I wanted to be reading. Let’s get to the reviews! ...

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Quick Lit + June 2024

With a couple of exceptions, the books I read this month were . . . fine. Not horrible, but not favorites either. That’s not to say YOU won’t find your next favorite ...

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Quick Lit + May 2024

It was an average reading month, with quite a few good books, a few that I really didn’t enjoy at all, and a couple of books that will be on my list ...

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