28 Things That Are Sadly Underrated

In April, I put a contrarian spin on my 28 Things list as I shared an assortment of things I believe are totally overrated—items others seem to love that simply aren’t for ...

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28 Things On Our Family’s Summer Bucket List

Our family wrapped up our school year a couple of weeks ago, so even though it won’t be “calendar summer” for another month, we are in full summer mode over here. We’re ...

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28 Things That Are Totally Overrated

Warning: unpopular opinions ahead! Specifically, my own contrarian takes on some things others seem to LOVE that (in my humble opinion) are entirely overrated. We have a rule in our family that ...

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Never Have I Ever Done These 28 Things

We all love talking about the things we have done; sometimes it can be just as fun to talk about the things we have not done. Such is the premise of the ...

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28 Things You’ll Want to List Yourself

I am going to let you in on a little secret (that probably isn’t much of a secret for the astute readers among you): these 28-Things posts are some of my favorite ...

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28 Things On Our Christmas Bucket List

In just a few short days we will all be fully immersed in the Holiday Season! (Yes, I know many of you have already been knee-deep in the Holiday Season for weeks ...

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28 Kinda Crummy Things

Last month I launched my fun new “28 Things” series with a list of truly wonderful things. Today, we are taking the series a little darker—which is fitting, given today’s date. (To ...

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28 Wonderful Things

September is proving to be a busy month. (But really, what month isn’t busy in this post-COVID era that has us all overeager to do all the things in our enthusiasm to ...

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28 Fun Facts from the Year 1984 (That’s 40 Years Ago!)

I celebrated forty years of life on March 2, and though I’m not big on birthday celebrations, I am big on trivia. So in honor of my milestone birthday, this 28 Things ...

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28 Amazing Attributes of God to Cherish

I’ve been in a funk lately, with my moods and my energy not where I’d like them to be. Culture would tell me it’s time for some “me time” and self-pampering, and ...

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