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In Tuesday’s post about my goals for 2015, I shared that one of my reading goals for the year was to be more intentional about the books I choose to read. My To-Be-Read List currently contains more books than I care to count, but I tend to bypass these coveted titles in favor of books that are easier to come by: that is, books that are passed on to me by friends and family members, or that are available for immediate download on Overdrive (the app I use to check out audiobooks and the occasional ebook from my local library). This passive approach has led me to number of books I might not have otherwise read, and I have frequently been pleasantly surprised. However, I would like to become more proactive about reading the books that I truly want to read.

Reading Resolutions of 2015 Collage

This year, in addition to setting a book-count goal as my reading-related New Year’s resolution, I’m including a few specific titles that I’m committed to reading in the coming year. A few of the books on my list are already on my bookshelf, just waiting to be read, but in general, I know that this goal will undoubtedly require a bit more effort on my behalf: I’ll have to actually request or place holds on specific titles at my library (so long, immediate gratification) and I might even have to purchase a book or two—something I generally don’t do, though I’m not opposed to it if I’m fairly certain it’s a book I’ll be wanting to hang on to (for future reference, to pass on to friends, etc.). However, I’m looking forward to finally giving these books the attention they deserve.

Parenting Books

Parenting Books TBR

(I actually own all of the books on this list, I just need to make it a point to read them!)

Grace-Based Parenting, by Tim Kimmel: This book, which focuses on parenting in a way that reflects God’s own parenting style, will provide a nice break from the practical (and sometimes legalistic) parenting books that have been on my shelf lately.

Strong Mothers, Strong Sons, by Meg Meeker: Luke gave this to me as a Christmas gift. I’m looking forward to reading about issues that are specific to raising a son.

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, by Marc Weissbluth: I’m currently working my way through this book, which was recommended to us by our Bradley instructor. Dr. Weissbluth provides a comprehensive explanation of the mechanics of sleep and offers practical advice for addressing sleep problems in children of every age.

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, by Diane Wiessinger, Diana West, and Teresa Pitman: This was another recommendation from our birth instructor. I don’t plan to read this book from cover to cover, but I’m planning to at least skim through it before I tackle breastfeeding myself. I’m hopeful that it will provide some useful answers and suggestions for any difficulties that arise in our own breastfeeding journey.

Other Nonfiction

Nonfiction Books TBR in 2015, Part 1

Jesus Feminist, by Sarah Bessey: A friend pointed me to this book after I read Lean In (which led me to realize that I’m more of a feminist than I would have predicted). I’m intrigued by this book’s premise of examining feminism through a Biblical framework.

Bird by Bird, by Anne Lamott: I’ve been wanting to read a book about writing, as well as something by Anne Lamott; this selection kills two birds with one stone (sorry, couldn’t help the pun).

Making Happy: The Art and Science of a Happy Marriage, by Les and Leslie Parrott: Since hearing these authors on a Focus on the Family podcast, I’ve been eager to read their suggestions for creating a truly happy marriage.

StrengthsFinder 2.0, by Tom Rath: I’ve been hearing about this book for years and decided that 2015 will be the year I discover my personal talents and begin to develop those strengths.

Nonfiction Books TBR in 2015 Part 2

Nutrition Diva’s Secrets for a Healthy Diet: What to Eat, What to Avoid, and What to Stop Worrying About, by Monica Reinagel: We’ve been wanting to clean up our diets a bit in the new year. Luke has already taken the plunge but starting out the year with a Whole 30 cleanse, but I’m looking for a program/advice that’s a bit less extreme. I’m an avid fan of the Nutrition Diva’s podcast and trust her balanced approach to nutrition.

The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective, by Richard Rohr and Andreas Ebert: I’m a long-time personality enthusiast, and was thrilled to discover the Enneagram in 2014. I’m excited to gain a more thorough understanding of the Enneagram, particularly from a Christian viewpoint.

30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She’s 30, by Pamela Redmond Satran: I missed the boat on reading this one before I turned 30, but I’m sure this series of essays from an eclectic mix of influential women will still have plenty to teach me.


Fiction Books TBR in 2015, Part 1

The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood: I’m not sure how I’ve managed to go so long without reading this classic dystopian novel, but it’s probably time I checked it off my list. I’m not expecting to love this one, but I do want to be able to say that I’ve read it.

All the Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr: This World War II tale of a blind French girl and a German boy received a lot of press last year. I’m always up for some good historical fiction, and I have high hopes for this one.

What Alice Forgot, by Liane Moriarty: The premise of this book—a happily married mother-to-be wakes up one day to discover she is a decade older and a divorced mother of three—both terrifies and intrigues me.

Fiction Books TBR in 2015, Part 2

The Secret Keeper, by Kate Morton: This World War II novel about a long-kept family secret combines my two favorite genres, mystery and historical fiction. This book has shown up on several recommended reading lists lately.

The Rosie Project, by Graeme Simsion: A socially challenged genetics professor creates the Wife Project to find his perfect spouse, but discovers love with a woman who does not fit his carefully constructed specifications. The story description sounds a bit cheesy to me, but I’ve heard nothing but good things about this book.

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, by Winifred Watson: This book has been on my to-read list since I saw and fell in love with the Amy Adams film version last summer. I hope the novel is as good as the movie!

What books are you planning to read in 2015? Have you read any of the books on my list?
  • […] It’s a new year, which means it’s time for some new reading goals. In the past I’ve experimented with several different types of reading resolutions: Some years I’ve made monthly or annual book-count goals, other years I’ve resolved to read more of a certain genre, and last year I selected specific book titles I hoped to read in the coming year. […]

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