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It’s a new year, which means it’s time for some new reading goals. In the past I’ve experimented with several different types of reading resolutions: Some years I’ve made monthly or annual book-count goals, other years I’ve resolved to read more of a certain genre, and last year I selected specific book titles I hoped to read in the coming year.

This year, inspired by Modern Mrs. Darcy’s annual book challenge as well as the Book Bingo cards that pop up at my library each summer, I’ve decided to take a themed approach to my annual reading goals. Each month I plan to read (and blog about) a book from one of the following categories:

2016 Reading Challenge

I purposely selected categories that would work well with my current TBR list while also stretching me just a bit. The categories are specific enough to add some intentionality to my reading, but flexible enough to accommodate my always-changing tastes (something I failed to take into consideration when setting last year’s goals). I don’t necessarily intend to read the books in this particular order, but I plan to check off all twelve categories by the end of the year.

Have you ever done a reading challenge? Maybe you’d like to join me in mine! What books are you hoping to reason 2016?

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